60 patients receiving chemotherapy at Gozo General Hospital
10% increase in operations carried out at Gozo’s hospital

Sixty patients are receiving chemotherapy services at the Gozo General Hospital, which are set to be extended to include prostate treatment in the coming months.
According to figures released by the parliamentary secretariat for health, 750 patients received services offered by the Day Care Unit over the past months while 112 patients benefited from the new technology in the field of virtual colonoscopy. A new pain clinic was recently opened and new services were being provided by rheumatology department.
“Results in the health sector in Gozo are leaving a difference in the life of Gozitan families,” parliamentary secretary for health Chris Fearne said, during a meeting with the hospital’s management.
Between January and September of this year, a total of 2,211 operations were carried out at the Gozo hospital, marking a 10% (200) increase in operations.
The sectors that registered the highest increase where, endoscopy (by 150 operations), colorectal screening programme (by 70 interventions) and ENT (by 40 operations).
“These results show the government’s commitment to provide Gozitan patients with the best care possible,” he said.
Fearne said that the positive results were possible thanks to the government’s investment in human resources leading to an increase in the hours of operations, the opening of the third operations theatre and the expansion of offered services especially in outpatients, including dermatology, cardiology, general surgery, ophthalmology and orthopaedics.
Fearne thanked all healthcare workers at Gozo General Hospital for their hard work.