Glaucoma procedure performed for the first time in Malta
Up to now, glaucoma patients had to travel overseas to have the procedure done

An eye operation designed to control the intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients has recently been performed for the first time in Malta at Saint James Capua Hospital.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Mr Francis Carbonaro performed this cutting edge surgery. Carbonaro has recently moved back to Malta, after over 10 years studying and working in leading hospitals around the UK.
This Glaucoma Drainage Device Implant, also known as an Ahmed Valve, was inserted into a patient’s eye, draining the fluid and reducing the pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve.
This should come as welcome news to glaucoma sufferers as up until now, patients have had to travel overseas to receive this treatment, but will now be able to have the procedure done here in Malta.
Glaucoma is a common and chronic progressive disease of the eye, which irreversibly damages the optic nerve; potentially leading to loss of vision. It is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.