Drop in non-fatal accidents at work during first quarter 2015
670 involved in non-fatal accident at work during first three months of 2015

Claims in respect of non-fatal accidents at work in the first quarter of 2015 decreased by 44, or 6.2 per cent, compared to the corresponding period in 2014. One fatal accident at work was reported.
Administrative records show that 670 persons were involved in a non-fatal accident at work in the first quarter this year.
The majority of non-fatal accidents at work occurred in the manufacturing sector (19.0 per cent), followed by construction (17.2 per cent) and transportation and storage (13.9 per cent).
When compared to the same quarter last year, the number of accidents went down by 40 in manufacturing and increased by 23 in human health and social work activities. The largest share of accidents at work during the reference quarter involved persons working in craft and related trades (24.9 per cent) followed by those in elementary occupations (24.5 per cent).
Wounds and superficial injuries were the most common, with 422 cases, while dislocations, strains and sprains amounted to 134 cases. Nearly half of injuries at work affected the upper extremities of the body, such as fingers and hands.
In the first quarter, nearly a third of accidents at work took place in enterprises employing 500 or more employees (32.4 per cent).
Between January and March 2015, the Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) reported one fatal accident at work, similar to the corresponding period in 2014.