Sir Anthony Mamo oncology centre officially inaugurated
Parliamentary secretariat for health working on national cancer plan 2016

Money invested in health is money well spent, health minister Konrad Mizzi said, reiterating the government's commitment to continue improving services for patients.
Speaking during the official inauguration of the €50 million Sir Anthony Mamo oncology centre, Mizzi said the ministry was working to increase bed spaces at Mater Dei Hospital while private investment will ensure the refurbishment and upgrading of St Luke's Hospital and the Gozo General Hospital.
Mizzi said that the government's fundamental policy was to keep healthcare services free of charge. At the same time, the government wants to eradicate disparities where patients who afforded to pay received a more expedite treatment.
Speaking of the advancements in health, parliamentary secretary for health Chris Fearne also revealed that the department was working on "a new national health plan for cancer".
"We have a number of cancers with a high recovery rate but there still remain types of cancers that are very hard to fight. It is a challenge and we will face it providing our healthcare workers with the necessary resources. We will keep investing ," he said.
Fearne spoke of the need to continue increasing the workforce while the government must continue investing in research in cure for
Fearne also delivered Godfrey Farrugia's regards, currently in London having undergone prostate cancer surgery.
Parliamentary secretary Ian Borg saluted the PN administration under whom the project was launched. Borg said it was of satisfaction to see different health entities and departments coming together to see the completion of the project through whilst ensuring that no EU funds are lost due to initial delays in the project.
Archbishop Charles Scicluna, shadow health minister Claudette Buttigieg and former PN health minister Joe Cassar were also present for the official inauguration and blessing of the centre.
The centre will also welcome young cancer sufferers where playrooms have been setup and bedrooms equipped with latest gadgets and stow away beds for parents.