Salmonella found in Gozo market eggs
Public advised not to consume eggs from Victoria farm after salmonella was found at plant

The Health Authorities have once again been alerted by the veterinary authorities that salmonella has been found in the environment of the farm with license number PLG 016 located in 133, St Domenica Street, Victoria, Gozo.
This sampling was undertaken as part of the Veterinary National Control programme for salmonella.
The authorities have directed the producer to stop placing eggs on the market produced in his farm and eggs from the packing establishment having approval number EPC 011, and recall all the eggs produced from the 13th July onwards.
The public is being advised not to consume any eggs directly originating from this farm.
In July the authorities were also alerted by the veterinary authorities that Salmonella was confirmed in eggs sampled from St Joseph Farm-M. Xerri PLM 005. The health authorities have ordered the recall of eggs packed by this farm from the retail market.