Public Health authorities investigating three cases of measles
The Superintendence of Public Health said that Europe is seeing an increase of cases of measles

The Superintendence of Public Health said that it is currently investigating three confirmed cases of measles. In a statement released by the Public Health authority, it said that the cases are separate and unrelated.
"In 2018, there were five imported cases and one case of local transmission. Since there was no sustained transmission, Malta has till now maintained the status of elimination of measles," the statement read.
The Public Health Authority’s strategic action for measles includes vaccination, early identification of cases, isolation, management of cases, and contact tracing.
The Superintendence of Public Health said that cases of measles usually occur among unvaccinated populations and that large fatalities are currently being reported in European countries that had previously eliminating the endemic.
"In January 2019, Romania, Italy, Poland and France had the highest case counts were 261, 165, 133, and 124 cases respectively and notable increases were reported in Italy, Poland, France and Austria," the Superintendence said.
It added that measles can easily spreading with minimal contact through the air via infectious droplets when a person coughs or sneezes, The measles vaccine, more commonly known as the MMR, and included in the National Immunisation Schedule can prevent it.