Ten things Brangelina & Co. can do in Gozo
With Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in town, we have some ideas what they can get up to if they are looking for some rest and relaxation during their Gozo shoot...

Shooting movies is tiring work and even the pros need some down time after a long day on set. Given that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, arguably some of the most well known names in popular cinema, will be filming their movie in Gozo, we thought we could give them a few pointers on what to do when the cameras stop rolling.

1. A summer stay in Gozo would be incomplete without a dip in the clear blue sea. Brangelina might find some difficulty finding an empty patch for their umbrella in the beautiful – and popular - Ramla l-Hamra but a number of other beaches around the island will make for an equally refreshing afternoon out with the kids. Pro tip – the more difficult to reach, the better the beach.

2. The Cittadella is an umissable landmark, both for its rich history and its incredible view from the bastions. The walled city is easy to walk around and home to several museums. It also offers many great photo opportunities for the discerning power couple with a media presence to curate.

3. If filming is not quite going to plan or budgets are sliding out of control – we shan’t mention that zombie movie – perhaps religious intervention might help turn the tide. Many a miracle has been attributed to prayers at Ta’ Pinu in Gharb and its interior alone is worth a visit.

4. After some spiritual sustenance, something to feed the body is in order. Gozo’s fine dining options are growing steadily but for a truly authentic meal, a local ftira is a must. Pre-ordering is crucial, though some name-dropping might speed a celebrity ftira to the front of the queue.

5. For after-dinner drinks and a little foray into local youth culture, La Grotta is the perfect destination. They may want to rent the place out if drunken teenagers and spilled spirits are not their idea of fun but it would certainly detract from the experience.

6. Sometimes, you just have to get away from the hustle and bustle of the movie set to the quiet of nature. And sometimes, you are overcome by the urge to visit a miniature version of a world famous monument. In the interest of efficiency (films are all about tight deadlines) a trek up to Tas-Salvatur should fulfill both these inclinations.

7. Although not technically a Gozitan activity, a trip to Comino is another favourite with visitors. And given their $270 million net worth, Brangelina should find no difficulty renting all the not-totally-kosher deck chairs and enjoying the Blue Lagoon in peace and quiet.

8. Once ‘By The Sea’ wraps up, Brad and Angelina will no doubt be looking for their next project and Angie’s recent foray into fantasy film may make her more open to something a bit more… out there. The sound of shearwaters, grey birds who nest at the Ta’ Cenc cliffs, is all the inspiration needed for a sci-fi, horror and/or alien movie. The feathery inhabitants sound like gurgling, high-pitched infants having a conversation with confused extraterrestrials asking for directions.
9. Ice cream in Xlendi. Enough said.

10. For the ultimate island experience, one that simply cannot be bought and that is not for the fainthearted, Angie and Brad ought to ditch the helicopter, rent a somewhat rickety Jeep and make the ferry crossing. The crossing itself is usually uneventful, even in rough weather, but nothing can quite come close to the anxiety that sets in while waiting in line to board. Will you make it onto the boat? Or will you be doomed to wait another 20 to 30 minutes on the quay, staring down anyone who even thinks of skipping the queue? A crucial part of the Gozo experience.