Tourist arrivals in September up 15.6%
September saw 270,010 tourists coming to Malta and spending €243 million

September 2018 saw a total of 270,010 visitors to Malta, an increase of 15.6% when compared to the same month last year.
Of these, 239,377 were here for holiday purposes, while 21,416 were for business purposes.
Most inbound tourists, 39.5%, in September were aged between 25 and 44. The total tourist expenditure for this month was estimated at €242.7 million, an increase of 4.8% over last year.
The figures released by the National Statistics Office on Wednesday showed that in the first nine months of 2018, more than two million tourists visited Malta. This corresponded to a 15.6% increase.

Tourists from EU member states went up by 11.9% when compared to September 2017.
Visitors from the UK made up 70,541, an increase of 18.4%.
Total nights spent in Malta in September went up by 10.2%, surpassing the two million nights. The largest share of guest nights was spent in collective accomodation establishments.