History, art and a nice bit of chillax on the deck
Mona Farrugia's idea of a nightmare is too many old buildings and cruising. Yet she finds the prospect of a serious bit of lecturing aboard a luxury and food-filled ship quite enthralling.
Someone I know - I will not mention who as they will be severely offended - came up to me the other day all excited about a cruise they had booked.
'It costs just €500, there will be a lot of people we know on board and we eat as much as we possibly can'. She was way too excited and I couldn't spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'Bleurgh!'.
So when I found out about this particular trip being organised by Royal Travel of Iklin, Profs Mario Buhagiar and prospect PhD candidate Charlene Vella I was more 'hmmm...' than anything else. What sealed it is the fact that this is a Nice Ship and it has Nice Food on board as well as Nice Rooms rather than crappy cubicles which double up as showers.