PN’s pre-budget proposals based on ‘economy for the people’
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has launched the PN’s pre-budget document, saying that wealth must be created and distributed fairly

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has launched the PN's pre-budget document “Let's All Succeed Together.”
Speaking at a meeting with the heads of constituted bodies, Busuttil said he saw “a great synergy between what you are proposing and what we are including in the documents.” Busuttil explained that the document could be summed up into one phrase: “economy for the people.”
“Wealth must be created but must also be distributed fairly,” the PN leader said.
This is the third policy document released by the opposition and Busittil assured the meeting that there were many more in the pipeline.
The document includes an analysis of the present situation, together with 91 proposals, amongst them, a cut in electricity tariffs. There was room for reduction, thanks to the power station built by the PN and other investments, as well as the “tremendous reduction in oil prices that we believe has not been passed on to the people,” Busuttil said.
The expenditure on the public service would be cut, he said, but jobs would not be cut.
“At no point are we suggesting that the PN will reduce the number of government workers. What we are saying is that the number had gradually reduced over the years by not replacing those who left. This trend was reversed by the PL, “apart from the hundreds of appointees on positions of trust.”
Public expenditure has increased to an exaggerated extent, Busuttil said. “To spend €4 million to buy half a property in Valletta... I would prefer to spend it on offering chemotherapy rather than have persons resort to begging from the Community Chest Fund.”
Traffic is no longer just an inconvenience, but a challenge to the economic progress of the nation, stated the PN leader. “The time has come for a public transport system that is so efficient that people will be prepared to switch from using their car to using public transport.”
He observed with satisfaction the government's plans to build a tunnel to Gozo and implement an overland tram system, which he said, had already been proposed by the PN.
He said that social justice had been put aside and needed to be brought to the fore again. On the increase in rent for social housing, calling it a “tax on poverty,” he pledged to reverse it if elected.
“We want to offer the best government for our nation.”