Playful budget logo unveiled
The logo being used for Budget 2022 has been unveiled and its playful design ditches the serious look

Budget 2022 will be read out by Finance Minister Clyde Caruana this evening but the logo and tagline have already been revealed.
‘The Malta we want for our children’ (Malta li rridu nħallu għal uliedna) is the tagline that Caruana will use to ground the economic and fiscal narrative he will deliver tonight.
But in complete contrast to previous budgets the imagery accompanying the tagline has a playful feel to it, reminiscent of election logos.
With speculation on a November election running at an all-time high, the government will be inclined to use the budget as a launch pad for their own electoral manifesto.
This will be Caruana’s first budget since being co-opted to parliament and being made finance minister last year. It will also be the administration’s last budget.
On his official Facebook page, Prime Minister Robert Abela explained the rationale behind the chosen tagline.
"The Malta we want for our children. It was with this in mind that we have drawn up tonight's budget. We are working for a Malta in which we want to live in today, but it must also be the strong country that allows our children to reach their aspirations."
Malta li rridu għal uliedna Hu b’dan il-ħsieb f’moħħna li fassalna l-baġit li se nkunu qed inħabbru llejla. Naħdmu...
Posted by Robert Abela on Sunday, October 10, 2021