MaltaToday online poll | Respondents see Debono voting against Budget

Absolute majority see government MP bringing down government, although a significant number are still uncertain over Franco Debono’s voting intention.

The Nationalist Government's future hinges on Franco Debono's vote next Monday. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
The Nationalist Government's future hinges on Franco Debono's vote next Monday. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

Fifty-five percent of the respondents to a MaltaToday online poll believe that in three days' time government will be brought down by backbencher Franco Debono.

1,552 out of the 2,830 respondents who took part in the poll believe that next Monday Debono will be voting against the budget. However, a significant 22% (623) couldn't make up their minds despite the maverick MP's declared statement that he will be voting against the budget for a number of reasons.

Significant was also the number of respondents, 519, who believe that Franco Debono will eventually abstain.

Only 136, marking 5% of all respondents, think that Franco Debono may have a change of heart and vote in favour - a move that could save government's face but not Debono's.

The MP has repeatedly made it clear that one of the reasons behind his 'No' vote was the presence of Austin Gatt in the Cabinet. Debono also told MaltaToday that the government chose to walk the tightrope going into a budget with a motion of no-confidence hanging on the Transport Minister.

In October, Debono presented the motion over Gatt's stewardship of the Delimara power station extension tender, the public transport reform, and the privatisation of the public car parks.

Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and MP Jesmond Mugliett - who like Debono have been barred from contesting the elections on a PN ticket - have told The Times that they will be voting in favour of the Budget.


jivvota favur jew jivvota kontra mhux se tghamel differenza ghax l-elezzjoni xorta fid 9 ta marzu 2013 se ssir. jekk jivvota favur ikun temm il karriera politika tieghu u jibqa jisemma bhala politiku li ipprova jgib lil pn f'sensieh jekk jivvota kontra ikun temm il karriera politika tieghu u jibqa jissemma bhala politiku li cahhad lil maltin min hafna mizuri tajbin li fih il budget.
The time of reckoning has arrived. Franco will either be remembered as the catalyst for the new Maltese way of doing politics, or he will be vilified by all and sundry.
Im not sure Franco will have the guts to go ahead and vote against, Hes gone very quiet lately, no updates on his blog since nov 29th, Franco where are you? Come Monday we will see what you are really made of, Empty vessels make most sound.
For me it does not make any difference and I tell you why. I have been a loyal supporter for the PN and even went into trouble in the name of democracy and fundamental rights way back in the 80's. Today, we are back to square one and we need to do something about it. This is the sole reason WHY I shall not vote PN, again. However, my feeling is that Franco does not have the guts to REALLY get rid of Gonzi and Austin. He is more likely to wait for some "positive" move to align himself back in line. In my opinion this would be a huge mistake because in doing so Franco will become part of the clique himself.
My guess is that FD will abstain. The man has never been resolute.