‘Election to be called early next year’ - Prime Minister

'Whatever happens tomorrow, elections will be called early next year,' says Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing a political activity in Haz-Zebbug.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing a political activity in Haz-Zebbug.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was clear this morning that "whatever happens tomorrow, the general election will be called early next year".

Gonzi said that tomorrow he will be able to "take his decision" and tomorrow he will reveal "what would happen step by step". He however wouldn't confirm that the election will take place on 9 March as is being touted.

"But whatever happens tomorrow, the legislature is at its end. We swam a turbulent sea together. We won all obstacles, we moved forward together and got the best we could for our country. We can now today turn to you, proud with the results," he said.

The Prime Minister added that "whatever happens tomorrow, the time has come for me to make my decision".

Gonzi added that even if the Budget doesn't go through tomorrow, "we will implement what we can implement".

"If we can give the COLA increase we will give it. But there are measures that need the parliament's approval and we will tell you that we couldn't give them to you because others voted against."

According to Gonzi, it would have been irresponsible if his government didn't present the Budget for next year despite knowing that one of his MPs would be voting against it.

Speaking in Haz-Zebbug this morning, Gonzi said that the government couldn't throw away five years of work because someone wanted to "trip us up".

Interviewed by TVHemm presenter Norman Vella, Gonzi said the budget was named as the 'responsible choice' because this was the responsible choice.

"It would have been irresponsible if I chose to give importance to someone who wanted to hinder my work. The responsible choice was to continue with our work during this five-year term. Why give up at the last moment when we endured such a difficult term?" Gonzi said when asked whether it had been the better decision to go ahead and present the budget when the biggest possibility is that it wouldn't be approved.

"I don't play hide and seek with the people like someone else [Joseph Muscat] does. The framework of this budget is approved by the EU. The responsible choice was appearing before our families with a budget which will continue to help them."

Gonzi added that the European Commission has described the budget as "responsible and doable".

"Who is irresponsible? Someone like the Opposition leader who is promising the moon without saying how they will be financed. I only advise him to be careful, to not endanger our situation with the investors."

The Prime Minister added that given that Muscat was not explaining how he will reduce the utility bills, the only possible answer would be that of increasing taxes.

"Naturally, Muscat is saying that the Opposition would be voting against because the budget is a vote of no-confidence. So, if he approves of this budget, why didn't he vote in favour and then present a motion of no-confidence in government?" Gonzi said.

He added that another option would be for Muscat to present motions against those proposals which the Labour was against.

"But if you're a man, vote in favour of the social benefits... I know he will not do so," Gonzi said.

"Tomorrow I'll appear before the parliament and the public, call for the vote and then shoulder the responsiblity whatever happens."

'Judge Farrugia Sacco should resign'

The Prime Minister also backed up his party in its call for the resignation of Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco, implicated in an Olympic tickets selling scandal after an undercover investigation by The Sunday Times of London.

"I think he should chose the honourable way out and resign. He is a judge and his role calls for it. The credibility of the judiciary is at stake," Gonzi said.

Gonzi did not rule out the possibility of his side presenting a motion in the House of Representatives.

"If he doesn't resign out of his own will, then there are procedures which would have to be taken," he added.

Together with the Malta Olympic Commission's secretary general Joe Cassar, Farrugia Sacco has been rapped by the International Olympic Committee's ethics commission.

Asked why the PN was calling for the resignation of the judge when there were calls coming from different quarters for some of his Cabinet members to resign, Gonzi said that when motions of no-confidence were presented and approved, resignations followed.

"We always respected the result of motions whenever these occurred. Both Richard Cachia Caruana and Carm Mifsud Bonnici resigned... and I thank them for their seriousness and integrity."


fenea, another gimmickry slogan? But this time not from simple Simon. Valueless just the same!
Many may have forgotten how the leader of the oppositio n reacted to the last Labour Budget in 1997. Then Malta's Bokassa described the Budget as "IRRELEVANT", because according to him, Dr.Sant had lost the majority in Parliament when Dom Mintoff was at loggerhead with his Prime Minister!! Isn't the present situation the same as then ?. But Dr. Sant took the right honourable decision and called an election when he realised that his Government was tottering.. Hypocrites ?. Say that again.
Zack Depasquale
It would be very interesting to know how will GonziPN vote on the budget, if this same budget is brought to parliament by a Labour Administration. Will GonziPN vote for the budget? Does GonziPN expect Labour to vote for the budget and therefore give a vote of confidence to the oligarchy and the mess they made of governing this country? The Nationalists at all times when in opposition acted as a distructive opposition. Imagine for one minute if the tables where turned and what has been happening for the past year was happening under a Labour Administration; we will be having weekly candle lighting mass meetings on il-Fosos, Nationalists esponents will be urging industrialists to move from Malta. Strikes galore etc. GonziPN is a system which will go down in the rubbish dump of history.
Jien naghti kaz ir ritratt hafna. Xi tbissima helwa ghandu. Ferhan jitnellah bil poplu 5 snin shah. U jekk il poplu irid jaghmel 5 snin ohra go dan id dgerfix, jerga jtalla lil GONZIPN.
Let get this Election over with, get rid of these PNs and start a new page so that our country can prosper and have a better future.
WE WILL WIN AGAIN................
The sooner the better. 60% of Malta want you and your cronies out. We are fed up of lies, arrogance and incompetence not to mention corruption.
Dear Gonz, do us all a favour and get outta here ASAP. Oh, and take your nasty apparatchiks with you to hell. The country has had enough of your irresponsibility. You should have called the elections when you become aware that the people had turned against you. And that was a year ago!! Admit it! It was prolonged for the perks, cash and all that "whatever" all nicely enveloped in the thickest of black smoke.
"But if you're a man, vote in favour of the social benefits... '' Tinsiex min ivvota bil-qalb biex jogħlew il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma kif ukoll għlljet kull ħaġa taħt il-kappa tax-xemx sur gonzi!
Veru ma tafux tistħu inthom ta' GONZIPN! daqs dawk frajjeġ u bużulotti li għamiltu inthom u qisu xejn m'hu xejn! Jidher meta jkun persuna li m'għandkomx grazzja miegħu, kemm toħorġu ddoqqu trombi kontra tiegħu! Għax ma tgħidhux li kellkom tirreżenjaw inthom l-għada tar-referendum fuq id-divorzju! Mela toħorġu qattha bla ħabel kontra xi ħadd li forsi għamel xogħolu sew u sab lil Gvern Nazzjonalista ħati ta' xi ħniżrijiet li saru! L-ewwel poġġejtu 2 persuni mill-Ġudikatura bħala presidenti ta' 2 organizazzjonijiet sportivi, u wara ħafna snin ħriġtu tattakawwhom biex jirreżenjaw, għax forsi ma baxxewx rashom ghal kollox!! U halluna! Fittxu xolju dak il-parlament, ghax xebbajtu l'kulħadd anke lil nieskom stess! Nitkellmu wara l'elezzjoni!
Pinocchio qalilhom li Dr Muscat ikollu jgib il-flus billi jgholli t-taxxi. Ara trid tkun veru wiccek u l-ghatba tal-qorti xorta wahda biex tohrog b'din l-insinwazzjoni. Ghaliex?. Ghax dan il-giddieb , fil-budget li ghadu kemm tressaq,minghajr ma qalilna bil-kliem, imma qieghed imnizzel fl-estimi, hemm car u tond li s-sena d-diehla il-Gvern ser idahhal 195,000,000 ewro f'taxxi AKTAR milli dahhal din is-sena. Issa, sur Pinocchio, tista' jekk joghgbok, ghada, tfissrilna kif u minn fejn ser iddahhal dawn it-taxxi GODDA?. Spjegalna KIF ser tkompli tqaxxarna aktar milli ahna. Hemm nibda forsi, nerga' nemmnek. Mill-bqija, darba tigdeb, tkun tlift il-kredibilita'. U ohra, tista' tghidilna l-pjani kif ser thallas lura d-dejn li ghamiltu kemm ilkom fil-gvern?. Dawn li jrid ikun jaf il-poplu, mhux paroli fil-vojt, theddid, babaw u pinochhiati ohra. Kun serju ghal darba, PLEASE !.
Pinocchio qalilhom li Dr Muscat ikollu jgib il-flus billi jgholli t-taxxi. Ara trid tkun veru wiccek u l-ghatba tal-qorti xorta wahda biex tohrog b'din l-insinwazzjoni. Ghaliex?. Ghax dan il-giddieb , fil-budget li ghadu kemm tressaq,minghajr ma qalilna bil-kliem, imma qieghed imnizzel fl-estimi, hemm car u tond li s-sena d-diehla il-Gvern ser idahhal 195,000,000 ewro f'taxxi AKTAR milli dahhal din is-sena. Issa, sur Pinocchio, tista' jekk joghgbok, ghada, tfissrilna kif u minn fejn ser iddahhal dawn it-taxxi GODDA?. Spjegalna KIF ser tkompli tqaxxarna aktar milli ahna. Hemm nibda forsi, nerga' nemmnek. Mill-bqija, darba tigdeb, tkun tlift il-kredibilita'. U ohra, tista' tghidilna l-pjani kif ser thallas lura d-dejn li ghamiltu kemm ilkom fil-gvern?. Dawn li jrid ikun jaf il-poplu, mhux paroli fil-vojt, theddid, babaw u pinochhiati ohra. Kun serju ghal darba, PLEASE !.
Igor P. Shuvalov
""If we can give the COLA increase we will give it. " So now that both unions and employers association are insisting that Cola increase should be given whatever happens tomorrow. Seeing that Dr Muscat has promised that if this is not implemented as from the 1 st of January 2013, all workers would be compensated when a new Government is elected, Gonzi and co., have made a U turn.
About time Gonz, you should have called the polls earlier this year. People are fed up with you and your ever lasting lies. The middle class people are being ripped apart,and that's thanks to you GONZ. Now you are begging for our votes, now it's too late to try and patch things up. You are history and nothing else.
Kompli kaxkar saqajk u mieghek il-poplu malti u ghawdxi!!!!!
Kompli kaxkar saqajk u mieghek il-poplu malti u ghawdxi!!!!!
What did you say PM you dont play hide and seek with the public, Remember 500 euro weekly given to yourself and your ministers, BEHIND OUR BACKS, remember the wonderful Brazil company creating jobs. WASNT THAT A FALSE STATEMENT, only 4 people were working and now its closed up shop..... LIES LIES AND MORE LIES FROM GONZIS MOUTH.
How shameless. First he insists in sticking his foot into it and then he says it is someone else's fault. Gonzi should have taken his decision months ago, same as Alfred Sant and, more recently, Mario Monti. At the first signs of consistent dissent from his own benches denoting a loss of majority an election should have been called. Lawrence Gonzi has no one to blame but himself. Of course his apologists will do their best to stick the mud onto others.....but we are not fools. I only hope that in a short while I will be one of those who pulls the plug on GonziPN!
Great.....call it as soon as possible. You are the worst thing that ever happened to Malta and have wasted our present and future and worse still, that of our children. Following the Auditor general's report, most of your ministers should have resigned! Yours has been the most tainted legislature ever. No meritocracy, no justice, corruption, lies, lies and more lies. You and your party are the past! We all deserve a better future.