‘Night tariffs’ crucial for hoteliers, industries – de Marco

Enemalta’s selling of stakes shouldn’t have been carried out in secret, PN deputy leader for parliamentary affairs says.

The PN deputy leader for parliamentary affairs Mario de Marco warned government it had been a mistake to ridicule night tariffs, when such a system was mostly beneficial to industries, hoteliers and restaurant owners.

During the electoral campaign, Labour had said the night tariff proposal would force households to start doing their laundry in the middle of the night. But de Marco said that such a measure would alleviate electricity burdens on industries.

"I hope the discussion on night tariffs is back on the table, discussed on a technical basis rather than partisan," De Marco said.

Turning to the selling of Enemalta's stakes to a Chinese state-owned company, the MP said the sale should have never been kept "a secret". He said that, at least, an expression of interest should have been issued and offer awarded to the best choice presented.

Stressing that being Chinese had nothing to do with the issue, de Marco questioned whether it was the best idea to sell a stake in a public corporation to the public corporation of another state.

"Moreover, we yet do not know what stakes were up for sale. Why all this secrecy?"

De Marco added that while the Opposition was in favour of a shift to gas in the generation of electricity, yet the PN did not agree with the implementation method.

Sur Mario De Marco int taf li l-industriji l-kbar u l-hotels ma jhallsux bil- unit tariff imma bil- maximum demand. allura ghidli kif kienu ha jibbenefikaw minn night tariffs. Dawk qedin ghal domestic use only.
Sur Mario De Marco int taf li l-industriji l-kbar u l-hotels ma jhallsux bil- unit tariff imma bil- maximum demand. allura ghidli kif kienu ha jibbenefikaw minn night tariffs. Dawk qedin ghal domestic use only.
Dr Demarco, hekk ma qieghed titkellem iktar qieghed tnaqqas l-istima li hafna nies lellhom ghalik. qieghed turi li ma inti xejn ahjsr mill klikka li tghid li kull ma ghamiltu inthom kollu tajjeb ghalkemm illum indirettament qedin tikritikawh u kull ma jaghmel il-Gvern Laburista hu hazin. Hiehdu it-tarrifi ta bil-lejl. Il-leader li ghandhekk il-lum fi zmien il-kampanja elettorali semma li il-mara tad-dar tista tiffranka billi tuza certi affarijiet f'dawk il-hinijiet. L.industriji ma semmejtuhomx ghax kieku semmethuhom ma kienux igibulkom voti u wara kollox skond ma qedin tioghdu il-lum dan kien ikun jista jigri meta jkollna l-interconnector li fi zmienkom kien ghadu lura hafna. Dwar il-ftehim mac-Cinizi dwar ixx'xiri minnhom ta sehem mil Ene-Malta nistaqsk kemm expretion of interest hrigtu u kemm stedintu lill oppozizjoni biex taghti fehmita dwar id'dgazwir li sar fix-xiri tat turbibi etc mill BWSC, Mid Med Bank, Sea Malta, xiri tal JRs ghal darba darbtejn li fgarku lill Ene Malta jew tahsbu li ghadkom xi dritt divin li inthom ghankom tidhlu f'kollox u haddioehor le. Ma smajtx lill leader tieghek jghid li jekk ikun jaf minn huma dawk li jiehdu ic'citadinanza bli skema tal IIP jghid minn huma. Din tfakarni ta meta Mintoff kien kellem lill EFA dwar il-kwistjioni li kien hemm mal-Libja u warta ftit wara issir domanda pasrlamentari minn Louis Galea fuq l'istess suggett.
Night tariffs’ crucial for hoteliers, industries – de Marco--- So "de Marco", why didn't your useless lot apply night tariffs? All one hears, these days, are the (waste of time PN) moaning about things they COULD have attended to.
It's not the night tariff which has been shown not to be practical at least until a certain time and until certain developments are made, but a lowered tariff all the time like the households are going to get as from next March. Your Gonzi government did nothing to allievate the hoteliers problems and indeed even increased VAT Dr Demarco.
Dr Demarco, if night tarrifs are so crucial why didn't you do them when PN was in government?
Dr Demarco, kien hemm expression of interest meta il PN beigh bis sold il Mid Med lil HSBC?. Fuq in night tariffs kien l awdituri li qabbadtu il PN u li thalsu bi flus il poplu li qalulkom li skema ta night tariffs ma tahdimx. U dan huwa imnizzel fir rapport ta l awdituri li qabbadtu intom stess. Issa jekk ma temnux lil awdituri affari taghkom.