Public transport service deteriorated in eight months – Bezzina

Opposition MP Toni Bezzina likens budget to an apple: ‘nice on the outside but rotten on the inside’.

 The public transport service has deteriorated over the past eight months, according to Nationalist MP Toni Bezzina.

Bezzina, the Opposition's spokesperson for transport and infrastructure, said that despite the already existent problems with the public transport service, "things got worse over the past months".

"We can reach improvements in a relatively short period of time. Eight months have passed since the election of a Labour government and, according to regular users, the public transport has worsened," Bezzina said.

Insisting that he understood there were ongoing discussions between the government and Arriva, he said this could be the reason as to why no mention of the situation was made in the Finance Minister's budget speech.

"But what is of concern is that the budget vote for this sector was reduced by €2 million. I hope these cuts won't affect the service," he said.

Bezzina likened the budget to an apple "which was nice from the outside but rotten on the inside".

"I expected the government to talk about its plans to create more jobs and on measures to protect the environment," he said, adding that the Nationalist administration had embarked on several projects by which public land was returned to the public in the form of open spaces.

Bezzina added that problems related to traffic, parking and public transport were on the rise. He said that while the government was accusing the PN administrations as the source of the traffic congestions due to bad designing of the roads, fingers should not be pointed towards the PN.

"The previous administrations retained the same consultants appointed by the Labour administration between 1996 and 1998," he said.

Bezzina questioned a government proposal prohibiting industrial trucks during peak hours suggesting that this could badly affect businesses.

"Have studies been carried out on what impact such a decision could have on the various sectors? Doesn't such an idea risk affecting jobs and productivity?" Bezzina said.

On his part, Nationalist MP Censu Galea said while the idea of an underground would spark an interesting study, yet one had to be careful of the financial feasibility of the project and the impact on its udders.

"The concept of an underground has been raised several times, including from the private sector. It is an attractive idea which attracts a substantial amount of discussion. But it also requires a substantial amount of investment," he said.

Galea said the question that had to be addressed was what it would mean for a small country like Malta.

"Our numbers are against us and financially the project might never recover itself," he said.

Ma nistax nifhem kif mar lura t-transport pubbliku, Mela dan xi darba kien il-quddiem? Mela dan xi darba kien sura? Ma nafx kif hawn poplu li jasal biex jafda lilkom? Kissirtu kollox. Dak li qed jipprova jibni haddiehor ukoll qedin taghmluh zibel. Inthom tridu il-poplu fqira u jilghaq il-trab ta l-art, ara ghalikhom tahsbu bil-quddiem. Poplu Malti thallix nies bhal dawn jaqtulek qalbek.
Sur Bezzina, fuq it-toroq biss se nghidlhekk xi haga. Ghal'liema raguni certi toroq li kienu two lanes ghal kull nahha saru one lane billi saru strixxi wesghin f'nofshom meta ma kien hemm l-ebda bzonn ghalihom. Dawn sa fejn naf jiena mill-gvern precedenti saru.
For your information sur buzziqa, transport was deteriorated from day one, when it was introduced, thanks to aust pipi.
Mela l-ewwel Austin Gatt kisser u farrak is-sistema tat-Transport Pubbliku, li jekk ma kella xejn tajjeb dejjem kienet puntwali fil-hinijiet. Il-Pubbliku bir-ragun, sa illum, tilef kull fiducja fit-Transport Pubbliku minhabba iz-zamma tal-hinijiet.Rizultat kaos shih fit-toroq Maltin. Kif ma jisthix Toni Bezzina ighid li it-transport mar ghal-aghar meta kissru siehbu l-irtirat u dak li qieghed Zimbabwe.Ara irid ikollok wiccek jaqilek biex tghid hekk Ton!!!
Nationalist MP Tonio Bezzina likens the budget to an apple "nice on the outside but rotten on the inside". How does Mr Bezzina know that the budget is rotten on the insiide? Why does Mr Bezzina not wait till after the 1st of January, 2014 when the apple is cut open for consumption.
L Arriva gabhom il PN. il PL sab it tahwid kollhu u qieghed jipprova isolvih. Tajjeb li konna il laughing stock fl Ingilterra bil Bendy Buses li gew Malta taht GONZIPN
Strangely,I noticed this deterioration,queues at valletta terminus,never had to wait that long for a bus to arrive.And strangely,this suddenly started,8 months,as claimed by MP T Bezzina, 8 months ago,which is exactly as soon as the PL was in government.
u sur gharef 8 xhur lanqas ma huma 25 sena!!! ghax dawn is-snin kollha il-problemi zdiedu u ma ghamiltu xejn! f'sentejn ta l-arriva ma ghamiltu xejn ghal problemi li inholqu! nahseb li mohkom iddeterjora u mux it-traffiku! and yes fingers are to be pointed towards the pn! because the architects that you engaged to design roads really did do wonderfull jobs! how can wider pedestrains pavements and roundabouts and the removal of double lanes roads do you think effect traffic! and with regards to trucks and horses on such hours they are a very main reasons of effecting business negatively since the majority of them do not follow traffic rules and cause chaos!