Football fan banned from attending matches after inciting crowd
The man was accused of behaving abusively, using obscene language in public, and inciting a group of at least ten persons to commit a crime

A football fan has been temporarily banned from attending matches anywhere on the island after two incidents at the Ta Qali National Stadium.
Arab Taj Eddin, 22, from Pembroke, was accused of having, on two separate occasions, behaved abusively and used obscene language in public, disobeyed legitimate orders and breached the peace. He was also accused of inciting a group of at least ten other persons to commit a crime. The incidents in question took place on February 8 and 16.
Inspector Wayne Camilleri also told magistrate Josette Demicoli that the man was a recidivist.
Eddin’s lawyer, Martha Mifsud, entered a plea of not guilty and requested bail. “Certain things could have been said, but he’s not a hardened criminal,” said the lawyer, pointing out the accused’s young age to the magistrate.
After taking note of the fact that the prosecution did not object to bail, the court released the man from arrest against a deposit of €500 and a personal guarantee of €3,500.
It also prohibited Eddin from going to any football ground whilst proceedings are underway, warning him of the serious consequences should he disobey this order.