No bail for man accused of Birżebbuġa stabbing
A 21-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder after stabbing another man several times in Birżebbuġa

A 21-year-old man has been remanded in custody on charges of attempted murder after allegedly stabbing another man several times in Birżebbuġa last night.
Birżebbuġa resident Hassan Jama Hassan, of Somalia appeared in the dock before Magistrate Audrey Demicoli earlier today, accused of inflicting slight injuries on a fellow migrant at Pretty Bay, Birżebbuġa, at around 10:45pm on Wednesday.
Besides attempted murder and causing slight injury, prosecuting police inspector Janetta Grixti also accused the man of carrying a knife without a licence and committing what is classified as an offence against the person whilst carrying arms proper.
Hassan pleaded not guilty.
Lawyer Noel Bartolo, appointed as legal aid to the accused, did not request bail.