Man charged after stabbing ex-girlfriend multiple times
A man who stabbed his ex-girlfriend multiple times is charged with attempted murder

A court has remanded a Libyan man in custody after he was charged with the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend.
Miloud Elforjani, 38, from St Paul’s Bay was arraigned under arrest before Magistrate Audrey Demicoli by Inspectors Audrey Micallef and Ryan Vella on Thursday.
Elforjani was accused of stabbing the woman multiple times and grievously injuring her in an attack which took place during the afternoon of 10 November at St Paul’s Bay.
He was also accused of carrying a knife in public without a licence and committing an offence against the person whilst carrying a weapon.
Elforjani denied the charges. Bail was denied.
Lawyer Noel Bartolo was legal aid to the accused.