Man admits to threatening, slightly injuring his girlfriend
Man who admitted harassing, threatening and slightly injuring his girlfriend released on €8,000 bail, pending a pre-sentencing report

A man from Ta’ Xbiex has been released on bail after allegedly harassing, threatening with violence and slightly injuring his girlfriend on 3 January.
No details about the incident which took place at the accused’s residence in Ta’Xbiex, emerged in Magistrate Claire Louise Stafrace’s court this morning. Sources said that an internal door was broken in the tumult.
The man pleaded guilty and was released on bail after his legal aid lawyer, Charmaine Cherrett, asked for a pre-sentencing report.
He was released on bail against an €8,000 personal guarantee until the report was concluded. The court prohibited the man from approaching the parte civile in the meantime.
Inspector Audrey Micallef prosecuted.