Man granted bail over New Year's day car arson
A man accused of setting a car on fire in Fgura on New Year’s eve has been released on bail after the court heard the victim testify

A man accused of setting a car on fire in Fgura on New Year’s eve has been released on bail after the court heard the victim testify.
Last week Denilson Manicaro, 21, from Paola, was charged with arson in connection with the destruction of a car belonging to a police officer.
CCTV had led the police to Manicaro, who was also found to be in possession of some 12 grams of cocaine and crack cocaine. The prosecution had told the court that under interrogation, Manicaro had admitted to setting the car on fire, but had said that he hadn’t wanted to destroy the policeman’s car but one belonging to another person.
In a sitting earlier this week, Inspector Mario Xiberras testified under oath. He had spoken to Manicaro who had told the police that he had wanted to set another car on fire and not the one actually destroyed as he had a dispute with third parties and had wanted to pay them back. Manicaro had refused to give more information about this dispute, however.
The victim, a police officer, testified saying he was an acquaintance of the accused and knew him from previous investigations.
The officer had been asleep at home and had woken up disorientated at around 2am to find his car ablaze, he said.
Aside from extensive damage to the vehicle, the victim said he had kept the original logbook and insurance documents in the car. All of them were destroyed in the fire, he said.
Bail was requested by defence lawyers Franco Debono and Amadeus Cachia, arguing that the victim had testified and that the accused had cooperated with the police.
Manicaro was released on bail against a €900 deposit and a personal guarantee of €4,100.
READ MORE: Man accused of arson says peaceful resolution of disputes 'only happened in the world of the police'