18-year-old man arrested for robbery in Marsa
18-year-old in police custody after attempted robbery

An 18-year-old Eritrean was arrested after an attempted robbery in Marsa.
Police said the man was being held in custody after being caught stealing from a private residence at Jesuit Hill, Marsa.
At 2:30am the police were informed by the residents that someone had broken into their home.
Once on scene, the police surveyed the area and found a man in the yard. The individual was ordered to stop, but instead grabbed a hammer and started to threaten the police.
The police ordered the man to put down the hammer, but instead, he moved forward - it was at this time the police tasered him.
The alleged robber was checked and arrested.
Upon being taken to the police headquarters, the man was searched, and cannabis was found.
At around 5am, police said the man attempted to hurt himself while inside a cell and was stopped by the police.
He is now at the hospital receiving the revenant treatment.
A police investigation is ongoing.