Stabbing victim charged with possession of synthetic drugs
A man stabbed in Marsa four days ago has been arraigned in court on drugs charges after 41 sachets of synthetic drugs were found in his socks

A man stabbed in Marsa four days ago has been arraigned in court on drugs charges after 41 sachets of synthetic drugs were found in his socks.
Ali Ahmed Mohammed Moummi, 22, from Sudan and living in Marsa, was charged with possession of an illegal new psychoactive substance in circumstances which denoted it wasn’t exclusively for personal use, within 100 metres of a school or place frequented by youths.
Last Friday, Moummi had been stabbed in Marsa during a fight with a man who the police found to be carrying synthetic drugs. The man’s assailant was charged with attempted murder and drugs charges on Monday.
Inspectors Steven Ryan Micallef, prosecuting together with Inspector Andy Rotin, told Magistrate Charmaine Galea that the accused had been asked to go to the police station after his release from hospital following the stabbing incident. Officers noticed the man acting strangely and had conducted a search on his person.
41 sachets of synthetic drugs were found hidden in his socks. Moummi explained to the police that he was a heavy user of these drugs. However, the fact that the drugs were divided into sachets caused the police to suspect that he was planning on selling them and he was arrested.
Police records showed that Moummi had been a heavy drinker in the past and had been in trouble with the law before, inspector Micallef said.
The accused’s defence lawyer, Christopher Chircop, entered a plea of not guilty. Bail was not requested at this stage.