Man admits to walking over parked cars whilst drunk
A man who walked over parked cars in Ta’ Xbiex whilst drunk yesterday, causing extensive damage, will be sentenced on Friday after pleading guilty to related charges

A man who walked over parked cars in Ta’ Xbiex whilst drunk yesterday, causing extensive damage, will be sentenced on Friday after pleading guilty to related charges.
The accused, Lucas Dylan Haristov Labaquere, 21 from Ta’ Xbiex, caused €1,720 worth of damage after walking over three parked cars whilst drunk on 16 August.
Before magistrate Monica Vella this afternoon, Labaquere was charged with criminal damage, breaching the peace and being drunk and incapable of taking care of himself in public.
His lawyer asked the court to give him a few days to pay for the damage, as he could not withdraw more than €500 per day. He asked the court to conditionally discharge the accused.
Prosecuting police Inspector Jonathan Ransley said he wasn’t insisting on an effective prison sentence but was, however, insisting on the payment of the damage caused. He, too, pointed out that if remanded in custody, the accused would not be able to withdraw the money as required. He also informed the court that the accused was due to leave Malta on 22 August.
Labaquere pleaded guilty to the charges, confirming his plea after being warned by the court that he could face imprisonment.
The accused requested bail until Friday at 10:00am, when the final judgment will be handed down. The court upheld the request, telling the man that he must deposit €1,720 in court by then. Bail was secured by a €5,000 personal guarantee.
The court said it was granting him bail on the condition that he does not leave the island or commit another crime and that he signs a bail book every day. When he goes to sign the bail book, he must pay part of the damages, said the magistrate.
Lawyer Martin Fenech was defence counsel.