No bail for suspected drug trafficker
Man was arrested in possession of some 100g of cocaine

A court has denied bail to suspected drug trafficker Leandro Mansueto, who was arrested in possession of some 100g of cocaine, after police raided a suspected drug deal on Thursday.
Mansueto, 22, of Floriana was arraigned before Magistrate Marseanne Farrugia on Saturday, charged with supplying cocaine, possession of the drug in circumstances denoting it was not exclusively for his personal use, breaching bail and recidivism.
He pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Defence lawyers Franco Debono and Francesca Zarb requested bail, suggesting electronic tagging, but this was refused by the court, which said that there were civilian witnesses yet to testify.
Mansueto was remanded in custody.
Inspector Steven-Ryan Micallef prosecuted.