Man denies stealing from parked cars in Paola
The man was charged with stealing cash and other items from cars parked in Paola earlier this month

A man from Zabbar has denied stealing cash and other items from cars parked in Paola earlier this month.
42-year-old Renald Rotin was released on bail this morning after pleading not guilty to charges of aggravated theft relating to two separate incidents which occurred in April.
Rotin, who has past convictions relating to similar crimes, was also accused of recidivism and breaching a court-imposed probation order.
The court was told that the thefts were captured on CCTV. The accused had been arrested as a suspect after being recognised by the police and was wearing the same outfit as the person seen in the footage.
Magistrate Josette Demimcoli upheld the defence’s request for bail, releasing the man from arrest on several conditions, including that he observes a curfew. Bail was secured by a deposit of €750 and a personal guarantee of €5,000.
Inspector Sarah K. Zerafa prosecuted.
Lawyer David Bonello was defence counsel.