Man grievously injured during a three-men brawl in Siġġiewi
An argument between three men occurred in Siġġiewi at 9am on Friday

Two men from Siġġiewi are being held at the police headquarters in Floriana
A 59-year-old man suffered grievous injuries during a brawl with another two men in Siġġiewi.
Police said that the incident occurred on Friday at around 9am, at Triq Dun Anton Vella. From its preliminary investigations, it results that an argument between two men from Siġġiewi aged 34 and 43, and a 59-year-old man from Tarxien took place.
The man from Tarxien was taken to Mater Dei hospital in an ambulance, where he was later certified as suffering from grievous injuries.
The two men from Siġġiewi were taken to the nearest health centre but only suffered slight injuries.
They are being held at the police headquarters in Floriana and police investigations are ongoing.