Four charged over string of muggings
Police charge four in connection with a recent spate of muggings in Zabbar and Cospicua

Police have charged four individuals in connection with a recent spate of muggings in Zabbar and Cospicua.
Inspectors Lydon Zammit, Steven Gulia and Gabriel Kitcher arraigned Omar Djelassi, 25, from Cospicua, Muhammed Milal Ali, 19 from Zabbar, Jessica Muscat, 28, from Zabbar and
Miyem Milal Ali, 20 also from Zabbar before magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech on Wednesday morning.
The first three persons accused told the court they were unemployed. Miyem Milal Ali said she worked as a factory supervisor.
Justifying the arrests, Inspector Zammit explained how the police had been investigating a number of reported violent thefts in Zabbar and Cospicua, all of which took place this month and which involved a group of aggressors.
The first involved a taxi driver who had been held against her will inside her vehicle and then robbed during the night of 14 February in Zabbar. The victim had suffered slight injuries as a result and her Revolut account had also been emptied.
Later that night, another woman fell victim to a violent gang and was robbed while driving her car, also in Zabbar.
The third incident had occurred during the night of February 19, when a food delivery driver had dropped off an order. When he arrived at the meeting place, in Cospicua, he was set upon by two men, beaten up and robbed of his mobile phone and wallet at knifepoint. His stolen Revolut card was also subsequently used to make large money transfers.
The inspector said that Djelassi, Muscat and Muhammed Milal Ali had been arrested first. The fourth defendant, Miyem who is Muhammed Milal Ali’s sister, was arrested later, after investigations indicated that she had also been involved in the armed robbery.
The accused foursome all entered not guilty pleas to the charges.
Parte civile lawyer Daniel Attard requested a protection order in favour of the alleged victims.
Bail was not requested at this stage.
Lawyers Franco Debono and Francesca Zarb appeared for Djelassi.
Lawyer Beppe Darmanin represented Muhammed Milal Ali.
Lawyer David Bonello assisted Muscat.
Miyem Milal Ali was represented by lawyer Brandon Kirk Muscat.