Man accused of assaulting bar employee in Valletta
A 35-year-old man who assaulted a bar employee and broke his leg in several places is granted bail but ordered not to enter Valletta

A restaurant’s assistant manager has been released on bail after he was accused of breaking a man’s leg in several places during an assault in Valletta.
35-year-old Alan Calleja, from Mgarr, appeared before Magistrate Elaine Mercieca Rizzo on Monday, charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on the victim.
Inspector Daryl Borg, prosecuting together with Inspector Kevin Pulis, told the court that an altercation had been reported at a bar in Valletta at around 11pm on Saturday night. CCTV footage showed the defendant attacking an employee at the bar, said the inspector, adding that the victim had been taken to hospital, where he was found to have suffered multiple fractures to his leg.
Calleja, 35, who works as a restaurant manager in Valletta, pleaded not guilty to the charge. His lawyer, Franco Debono, requested bail.
The prosecution objected to the request, arguing that there were many eyewitnesses yet to testify as well as the fact that the accused worked at a hotel a street away from the victim’s workplace. Bail was also objected to on the grounds of the serious nature of the crime.
“This was an unfortunate incident, where an argument took place and what happened, happened,” argued Debono, stressing that the defendant was in stable employment, had a clean criminal record and was the father of two children.
The lawyer said Calleja was prepared not to report to work until the court permitted him to do so, as well as submit to any other conditions it may impose. “There is no reason not to grant him bail. He had strong community ties. We aren’t talking about a person with a criminal record.”
“It appears that he had been defending himself and the two men had fallen on top of each other,” the lawyer claimed.
Inspector Borg pointed out that the defendant and the victim have known each other for nine years and worked around the corner from each other.
The court upheld the request for bail, ordering Calleja not to attempt to contact the witnesses, sign a bail book every day, observe a curfew and not to enter the city of Valletta for any reason whatsoever. Bail was secured by a deposit of €5,000 and €10,000 personal guarantee.