Police might still be investigating individuals linked to Vitals scandal

During the sitting one of the witnesses started reading out a list of names which were of interest to the Vitals inquiry, but the court banned the publication of the names as the prosecution argued this might prejudice ongoing investigations

The compilation of evidence against Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and 13 others in relation to the Vitals hospital concession continued on Thursday.

Here it emerged that the police might still be investigating individuals and their involvement in the fraudulent hospitals concession.

This emerged in the compilation of evidence against Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna and 13 others in relation to the Vitals hospital concession. 

During the sitting one of the witnesses, former Inspector Anthony Scerri, started reading out a list of names which were of interest to the Vitals inquiry. Prosecutor Francesco Refalo interrupted, arguing that reading the list in court might prejudice ongoing investigations. The court upheld the prosecution's request for a ban on names read out by Scerri.

On Thursday, Inspector Wayne Rodney Borg was cross-examined by the defence, as he explained he assisted the inquiring magistrate and had limited involvement during the search at Steward Healthcare.

The defence also noted a discrepancy in the provisions under which the accused were charged. Borg indicated this change was decided by the Attorney General. 

Criminal Court Registrar Franklin Calleja took the witness stand as well on Thursday, as his testimony involved the court experts who worked on the inquiry. 

The defence asked if Calleja had encountered any documents indicating how the foreign experts were appointed, as none appear in the inquiry. Calleja responds that typically, a magistrate appoints an expert through a decree, which then becomes part of the inquiry. Calleja said that he was unsure about this specific inquiry.

The next sitting will take place on 2 July at 11:00am, as the expected witnesses are set to include the director of the NAO or a representative, a representative from Jobsplus, as well as the OPM’s Cabinet Secretary.

Charged alongside Fearne and Scicluna were former permanent secretaries Alfred Camilleri and Joseph Rapa, current permanent secretary Ronald Mizzi, adjudication committee members James Camenzuli, Manuel Castagna, and Robert Borg, financial controller Kenneth Deguara, and five lawyers: Kevin Deguara, Jean Carl Farrugia, Aron Mifsud Bonnici, Deborah Anne Chappell, and Bradley Gatt.

The 15 defendants are charged with fraud, with Fearne and Scicluna being additionally accused of misappropriation and making fraudulent gain by abusing their position. Money laundering is also amongst the charges facing other defendants.