Men arrested after police discover kilo of heroin inside flat

Police arrested one of the men after spotting him entering an apartment used by a known player in the drugs trade

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Two men have denied charges relating to the discovery of a kilogram of heroin at an apartment in Kirkop.

44 year-old Ferdinand Onowo, a homeless man from Nigeria was arrested in connection with the seizure. 

Police inspector Jonathan Cassar told magistrate Noel Bartolo how the police had received information that Onowo, who was already known to the Drugs Squad, had started selling illegal drugs again. Covert surveillance was put in place and spotted Onowo entering an apartment used by another known player in the drugs trade. 

Police officers stopped the man when he left the building but found him not to be carrying anything illegal. After consulting with the duty magistrate, the police broke down the apartment’s door and discovered 1kg of heroin inside the flat. 

A magisterial inquiry was appointed and experts confirmed that Onowo’s DNA was present on the drugs.

Onowo, who told the court that he was a professional footballer who now worked in construction, pleaded not guilty to the charges.

His lawyer, Charles Mercieca, did not request bail.

In a related arraignment, 42 year-old Christian Grech from Birgu was charged with conspiracy to traffic heroin, supplying the drug and being in possession of it in circumstances denoting that it was not intended for his personal consumption. Grech was also accused of being a recidivist. 

Grech, assisted by lawyer Franco Debono, denied the charges. Bail was not requested.

At the prosecution’s request a freezing order was issued over all of both defendants’ assets.