Drunk tourist mistook locked bank branch for his hotel and threw flowerpot at its façade

Tourist handed suspended sentence after pleading guilty to throwing a flowerpot at a bank branch façade after thinking it was his hotel and they had locked him out

Alcohol (File photo)
Alcohol (File photo)

A Brazilian tourist who mistook a locked bank branch for his hotel after a night of drinking has admitted to throwing a flowerpot at its facade, thinking that he had been locked out.

Police inspector Sarah Kathleen Zerafa arraigned 48-year-old Marcio Malard Mayer, before magistrate Marseanne Farrugia on Wednesday, accusing him of criminal damage to Izola Bank and a nearby shop. Mayer was also charged with being drunk and unable to take care of himself in a public place and offending public decency.

The man, who had been staying in a hotel in Valletta, was returning from a night out at 1am on Wednesday morning. In his drunken state, he had mistaken a nearby branch of Izola bank for his hotel.

Finding the premises closed and thinking that he had been locked out, the man had picked up a large flower pot and threw it at the bank branch’s glass facade, causing damage. He also caused damage to a nearby shop.

Inspector Zerafa told the court that the damage caused had been quantified at €240 to the bank and €73 to the shop.

Mayer’s lawyer Simon Micallef Stafrace informed the court that the man would be pleading guilty. The court informed the man that he was facing a maximum of nine months imprisonment for the charges.

Mayer confirmed his plea after being given time to reconsider.

Making submissions on punishment, Inspector Zerafa recommended a suspended sentence, telling the court that Mayer had expressed sincere remorse during his statement.

Micallef Stafrace agreed with the suggestion of a suspended sentence, reminding the court that his client had immediately admitted his guilt and “didn’t waste anyone’s time.”

Finding the man guilty on his own admission, the court sentenced him to imprisonment for three months, which it suspended for two years, also ordering him to reimburse the injured parties for the damages within the next 24 hours, failing which his three-month sentence will become effective.

Asked whether he understood what his punishment was, he replied that he did.

“I am very very, very sorry” he added.