Transport Malta official’s signature was forged in social benefits racket, court hears

Transport Malta Land Transport Directorate deputy officer Gilbert Aguis tells Court his signature was forged in order for one of the accused to receive medical assistance

Transport Malta head office (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
Transport Malta head office (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

The testimony of two Transport Malta officials on Monday revealed forged signatures and questioned the validity of social benefits as the compilation of evidence continued in the social benefits racket case.

The compilation of witnesses continued against Silvio Grixti, Dustin Caruana, Manuel Spagnol, Luke Saliba and Roger Agius who, among others, are charged with money laundering, fraud and criminal organisation continued in front of Magistrate Rachel Montebello.

In Monday’s proceeding, two Transport Malta officials testified. Among those who testified was Deputy Chief Officer of the authority’s Land Transport Directorate Gilbert Aguis, who confirmed that his signature was forged in a document that the prosecution presented in Court.

He explained that the purpose behind the letter was for the accused, Luke Saliba, to receive medical assistance.  

The second representative within the same entity testified that there were no changes in the status of the driving licenses of Luke Saliba and Roger Aguis. He explained that the licenses of the two accused are still valid to this day, and this despite the fact that both allegedly received social benefits for the severe disability they claimed to have. 

The Court heard the arguments on bail and will be handing down a decision from chambers.

Lawyers Micheal Sciriha, Lucio Sciriha and Roberto Spiteri appeared for Caruana and Spagnol. Lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Kris Busietta appeared for Agius while lawyers Arthur Azzopardi and Franco Debono appeared for Grixti. Lawyers Josè Herrera and Matthew Xuereb appeared for Saliba.

Lawyers Abigail Caruana Vella and Charmaine Abdilla from the Attorney General's office and Inspectors Andy Rotin, Wayne Borg and Shaun Friggieri led the prosecution, whilst Lawyer Anita Giordimaina appeared for the Department of Social Security.