Man charged with stealing scooter remanded in custody
Man accused of stealing a scooter remanded in custody after changing his plea to guilty, then expressing confusion about his decision

A man accused of stealing a scooter has been remanded in custody after changing his plea to guilty, then expressing confusion about his decision.
The man, Christian Faranda Gnao, 34, was charged with stealing a scooter from an apartment block in St. Julian's is remanded in custody after initial denials, a guilty plea, and subsequent uncertainty over his plea.
On 28 October 2024, the St Julian’s Police Station received a report that the accused had stolen another man’s scooter from his apartment block. The police viewed CCTV footage and revealed that the man had put the scooter on his shoulders and left with it. The police had searched for the man but had failed to locate him.
On 6 December 2024 information was received of the man’s whereabouts, and on 9 December 2024 the inspector issued an arrest warrant to which the man was arrested at his residence in St Paul’s Bay. Subsequently, the inspector recalled in Court, the police searched Gnao’s residence and the very clothes that he wore whilst stealing the scooter were found in his residence.
Further to his arrest, during a subsequent interrogation, the inspector told the Court that the man admitted to police questioning about the acts that he had committed.
In Court, the man pleaded not guilty.
However, shortly after, Gnao changed his plea to a guilty one. Upon the Magistrate telling the man of the possible consequences of his guilty plea, namely the maximum prison sentence, and the fines that he is facing the man was shocked, visibly gasping in disbelief.
The man said: “I’m confused, I don’t know”.
The Court noted what the man responded, that the man looks emotional, and that the man does not know how to plea.
The Court, presided by Magistrate Elaine Rizzo, was of the opinion that, in light of the man’s change in plea, the accused is pleading not guilty, and the defence did not request the release of his arrest. The man was thus remanded in custody.
This is an ongoing case.
The police officer revealed that the man had committed a previous offence, to which he was currently serving a suspended sentence.
Lawyer Ylenia-Marie Abela for the Office of the Attorney General, along with Inspectors Darryl Farr and Eman Hayman for the Commissioner of Police led the Prosecution.