Air Malta employees suspended over fake tickets
Air Malta spokesperson says company investigating case brought to its attention.
Two Air Malta employees were suspended earlier this week in connection with a number of falsified tickets.
MaltaToday can confirm that one of the employees works at Air Malta's Head Office, while the other employee works with Air Malta's Front Desk.
MaltaToday is also informed that the two workers are related, as the Head Office employee is the Front Desk employee's mother.
It is understood that both employees' suspensions are in connection to a number of falsified airline tickets.
MaltaToday can also confirm that the case is being investigated by the Police.
Contacted on Saturday by MaltaToday, an Air Malta spokesperson maintained that "the company investigates all cases that are brought to its attention."
The spokesperson however refused to confirm or deny the incident, and chose not to answer a number of questions put to him by MaltaToday.
"It is company policy to not divulge information on such investigations," the spokesperson would sonly say.
Questions requesting more information regarding the employees' suspensions, as well as the Police investigations into falsified tickets remain unanswered.