Government ordered to pay €810,000 to architect over Zammit Clapp conversion

Government has run into further trouble in the health sector, after a Court ordered compensation of €809,500 to an architect over ‘unused plans’ to convert Zammit Clapp Hospital into an oncology clinic.

File: Zammit Clapp hospital. Government has been ordered to pay €810,000 to an architect commissioned to draw conversion plans, which were eventually shelved.
File: Zammit Clapp hospital. Government has been ordered to pay €810,000 to an architect commissioned to draw conversion plans, which were eventually shelved.

Judge Raymond Pace, presiding over the First Hall of the Civil Court has ordered government to compensate architect Valerio Schembri €809,485.33 - including interest  - who drew up plans for the conversion of Zammit Clapp Hospital into a hospital specialised in oncology.

The plans were however shelved, when a Cabinet decision opted to build a new oncology hospital next to Mater Dei Hospital, rather than converting the Zammit Clapp Hospital grounds.

Architect Valerio Schembri sued government's chief medical officer, on the basis that he was hired as a consultant over the conversion of Zammit Clapp Hospital.

Government, through the health department, argued that it never engaged Schembri to draw plans of the sort, insisting that it never issued any contract to him.

In his judgment, Judge Raymond Pace said that evidence of the engagement was found through documents presented to Cabinet and plans submitted to MEPA, that government had indeed engaged Schembri to draw plans for the conversion of the once geriatric hospital, into an oncology hospital.

Among those summoned to give evidence during the case was former health minister Louis Deguara and former parliamentary secretary for the elderly Helen D'Amato.

Government sources said that an appeal on the judgment is expected to be filed.

Don't worry Matrix this case same like the police horses stables the Commissioner did the right thing and resigned now the chief medical officer will hand his resignation within 24 hours ,bunch of comedians people that run the Island, and the worst bit is that they treat the citizens as there audience.
The Courts found that the Government said he was never engaged, yet the evidence of supporting documents proved that he was. And to add insult to injury to the tax payer, the Government will appeal, throwing yet more money at this. Tax payer's money. How sad.
Il-hmerija hi li dawn mhux se jhallshom il-ministru Cassar jew min hu direttament responsabli. U ahna l-imsieken minn naqra ta' penzjoni inhallsu it-taxxi u kontijiet li qerduna sabiex gonzipn u shabu jifflaxxjawhom fit-toilet. Din id-darba, bhal hafna drabi ohra, il-pampaluni ta' Gonzipn waqaw fil-muta. Anzi ejja ma wahhlux f'Joseph Muscat.
Unbelievable. Simply unbelieveable. This must make all Maltese taxpayers cry out for refunding by the concerned parties. Notably the PN and any Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries involved. Bad management has never seen a better showing.
Can anyone pls inform us (Joe citizen) whether there was a breach in standing financial regulations. Did the auditor general's office investigate? Can his report be made public or at least can this matter be discussed in the PAC? Whoever asked the architect to carry out this task should he/she be held accountable?
Zack Depasquale
Good for architect for getting what was due to him by right, bad for us the tax payer, who paid for something and got nothing back. Who is going to take political responsability for this latest mess and resign?
Waste of public money galore!
An other case where those who triumphed at the last elections got us into a mother of all ' ups'by throwing good money after bad. Its not just this Zammit Clapp project but nearly all the projects this Gonzi government has his finger in: BWSC,New Parliament surplus to requirements,Arriva,Parking lots, St Philips 'Frank's' deal: you name it and you'll get it! Shame and shame!