Former Bulgarian anti-terror chief charged with injuring co-nationals in Gzira brawl

The former chief of Sofia’s anti-terror police pleaded not guilty to charges of grievous bodily harm to two other Bulgarians during a fight in a Gzira flat.

A former Superintendent and chief of the Sofia Police anti-terror squad was charged with injury to two other Bulgarians, during a fight inside a Gzira apartment.
A former Superintendent and chief of the Sofia Police anti-terror squad was charged with injury to two other Bulgarians, during a fight inside a Gzira apartment.

37-year-old Raynov Rumen Zhivkov, a former Superintendent and chief of the Sofia Police anti-terror squad was this morning charged with causing serious injury to two other Bulgarians, during a fight inside a Gzira apartment.

Zhivkov, who pleaded not guilty, was charged before Magistrate Neville Camilleri with having injured Plamen Genov and his son Dimitar Genov, during an argument which started over where groceries had to be placed inside a refrigerator.

Another Bulgarian, Velislav Terziev was called to the witness stand and said that the accused reacted to a provocation and assault by the two Genov's who turned on him during an argument which broke out over a groceries which were to be placed inside the refrigerator.

Terziev lived in the flat in Gzira together with the accused and the Genov's, and it was customary to share the space equally around the house.

Each with their own rooms, but used common space in the kitchen to eat, and store their own food.

The arhument broke out when all four had returned from shopping and placed their groceries on the table, and started to place them inside the refrigerator.

At one point, the Genov's wanted more space inside the fridge to store bigger objects, and while accusations were traded, the three came to blows.

The Genov's assaulted the accused who while defending himself, hit out and injured Plamen Genov.

The witness explained that the Genov's were the ones who started the fight and attacked the accused, and added that the two were lucky that Zhivkov did not use his training as an experienced policeman, because they would have never recovered from their injuries.

Zhivkov was released on bail.