Former Sliema mayor insists Borg Olivier urged him to choose contractor over another

Former Sliema PN mayor Nikki Dimech reiterated his claim in court that Nationalist Party secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier had told him to choose recycling firm Green MT over GreenPak for contract.

Former Sliema PN mayor Nikki Dimech.
Former Sliema PN mayor Nikki Dimech.

Summoned as a witness before Magistrate Franco Depasquale in a libel suit filed by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier against MediaToday, the former PN Sliema mayor Nikki Dimech confirmed his claim that Borg Olivier had called him minutes before a council meeting, asking him to “give preference” to “company A rather than company B.”

Asked to clarify this statement, Dimech said that Borg Olivier asked him to give preference to GreenMT, a waste recycling firm owned by the Small Business Chamber GRTU, rather than GreenPak, for the recycling of waste in Sliema.

According to Dimech, GRTU director-general and former PN European Parliament candidate Vince Farrugia appeared as a director at GreenMT.

In his evidence, Dimech explained that there was no tender issued for the contract, given that only Green MT and GreenPak do recycling waste collections, and the Sliema Local Council had issued an expression of interest.

When both companies applied, separate meetings were held between the directors of the two and the whole Council.

The contract included a €72,000 educational campaign obligation to be taken up by the winning contractor, in a bid to finance a campaign which would lead residents to separate their waste.

“Following Paul Borg Olivier’s call to tell me which company to prefer, I never signed any contract, and this remained pending, until I was removed from office and the next PN mayor approved the contract two weeks into her new job,” Dimech said.

Phone call

Nikki Dimech also confirmed his previous declarations that soon after he had been released from police custody on August 11, 2010 regarding allegations made by the former Sliema council works contractor Stephen Buhagiar, he was surprised that Paul Borg Olivier was the first person to phone him within minutes of leaving the Police headquarters, knowing that he had already given two statements to the police.

Dimech said that Borg Olivier – who was in Gozo that day – had told him that his position was now “politically untenable” and that he had to resign.

Borg Olivier insisted that Dimech goes to the party headquarters and submit his resignation the next day and hand it to his deputy, Jean-Pierre Debono.

Dimech argued with Borg Olivier and refused to resign on the basis that he was simply responding to allegations made by Buhagiar.


Dimech also spoke about his arrest during police investigations, saying that he had gone to the Police headquarters in Floriana on the premise that Inspector Angelo Gafà had wanted to speak to him about the Buhagiar affair.

He said that he was interrogated and relplied to all questions, but he was overcome by panic when he was told that he was going to be taken to a holding cell.

“Once in there, my panic changed to a severe asthma attack, and I was denied the use of my inhaler, and while I was later given access to it, I was still under the effect of the attack and simply said ‘yes’ to everything I was asked during my second interrogation later that afternoon,” Dimech said.

Another case os severe corruption from the top...
It's not a question of " Oh - what's happening in Malta?". It's more like what has always happened in Malta is now being reported. Dalli said it and everyone knows it: we have always done things like this in Malta - so what's wrong? Talk about being caught out! Corruption in endemic. Maybe these reports and some action will, over time, change the way most Maltese think and act!
ONLY 1 solution: lie detector test to both ND and PBO...he who objects or refuses MUST be lying!!!
Luke Camilleri
Did Paul Borg Olivier "LOBBY" for Green MT with the Sliema Local Council? Should Gonzi Police Force or the AG investigate this "lobying" whichis not that acceptable by "EU Standards?????
These are very serious charges and someone is not telling the truth. So who is lying? These statements are taken under oath and if one is caught to be lying it becomes perjury and that is a crime. Why not have Nikki Dimech and Paul Borg Olivier both under oath swear to that what they are saying is the truth and nothing but the truth. After all they cannot be both right or both wrong. One of them is lying. But which one? Let us have a little respect for the law.
Anette B Cassar
So what has Paul "any Jason will do" Borg Olivier have to tell us about this?
Paul Borg Olivier should either sue for libel or if not resign! GonziPN believes foreign whistle blowers, but does not put in place a Maltese whistle blowers act: why? The answer is obvious. By the way, what Nikki Dimech said is not circumstantial evidence? Il-hmieg ta GonziPN ha over!
Another bribe. What is happening in MALTA? Corruption,Selfishness,Conflicts.