Company ordered to pay €30,000 to PBS
Standing Ovations Company has been ordered to pay Television Malta the sum of €30,000 in outstanding dues for advertising, promotions on State TV.
In her judgement, the court noted that Standing Ovations did not comply with the obligations it undertook with PBS, in paying its dues, even when an agreement for payment terms were reached.
The First Hall of the Civil Court has ordered Standing Ovations Company to pay €29,388.48 in outstanding bills to State broadcaster Public Broadcasting Services (PBS).
The court, presided by Mr. Madam Justice Jacquline Padovani Grima condemned the company - which organised a number of concerts in Malta to pay the full amount due to PBS, including the cost of the court case.
In her judgement, the court noted that Standing Ovations did not comply with the obligations it undertook with PBS, in paying its dues, even when an agreement for payment terms were reached.
The company, the court said, remained intransigent despite the agreement, and was therefore condemning Standing Ovations to pay up.

Its seems that today everybody is liveing bejond his means.

And can we know who are the directors behind the mentioned company? Or it's the case that, it's a sin to mention popular TV presenters?