Senior GRTU officials tight-lipped over witness’s allegations of ‘influence’

Senior officials of the Chamber of SMEs do not comment on witness who said she was instructed to give police, courts embellished account of assault on Vince Farrugia.

Vince Farrugia's aggressor is being charged with grievious bodily harm, after the prosecution removed an attempted murder charge.
Vince Farrugia's aggressor is being charged with grievious bodily harm, after the prosecution removed an attempted murder charge.

Two senior GRTU members who featured in the SMSes presented during the compilation of evidence against Sandro Chetcuti, charged with the grievous bodily harm of GRTU director Vince Farrugia, have declined to comment on an attempt at influencing an eyewitness's testimony to the courts.

GRTU employee Sylvia Gauci told the court on Monday that she had lied under oath when she told police and then the court that she saw Chetcuti tell Vince Farrugia he wanted to kill him.

Contacted by MaltaToday, both GRTU president Paul Abela and deputy president Philip Fenech declined to comment on Gauci's testimony that GRTU employees were gathered shortly after the assault on Farrugia and instructed on what to tell police interrogators.

Both Abela and Fenech maintained that since the case is sub judice, they had no comment to make.

On Monday, Gauci changed her version of events when she was testifying in court for the second time during the compilation of evidence against former GRTU official Sandro Chetcuti, charged with the assault on GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia of 11 March 2010.

Gauci, who was present at the GRTU offices when Farrugia was assaulted by Chetcuti, said she "did not want to lie to the court", and testified that before going to the police station, the employees at GRTU were gathered and instructed on what they should tell police officers under interrogation.

She alleged that Abela and Fenech were also in the meeting during which employees were instructed on what they should tell police officers.

Gauci also confirmed an SMS presented in court which shows she was instructed by Vince Farrugia to tell police that Chetcuti wanted to "kill" him during the assault, confirming the contents of the 19 March SMS:

"Re Wednesday, when you came in you saw him looking vicious and ready to butt my head with his. Your eyes' message which I read was 'watch it' and your eyes showed terror. That's what I'll say. And as he hit me you heard him say repeatedly 'noqtlok, noqtlok' (I'll kill you...) That's the truth. I wake up in the night hearing those words in his hoarse voice laud [sic] in my eyes. We must all hammer this point."

"I saw Vince Farrugia on the floor... and Sandro Chetcuti was at the back [of the boardroom]. I didn't see him hitting Vince," Gauci told the court Monday, confirming that she had not witnessed the assault itself.

Chetcuti was originally charged with attempted murder before the prosecution downgraded the gravity of the accusations to GBH.

However the GRTU officials implicated by Gauci as being involved in the meeting during which employees were allegedly instructed as to what they should tell police officers during interrogation remained tight-lipped.

"It is ethically incorrect of you to be asking me questions given how I am a leading witness in the case," Paul Abela told MaltaToday.

Pressed by MaltaToday to confirm Gauci's allegations that GRTU employees were instructed on what they would tell police when interrogated following the attack, Abela insisted that the case is sub judice: "I will make my statement in court."

Similarly, Fenech refused to comment on Gauci's testimony in court, insisting that the case is still being heard in court. "The case is sub judice. No comments to be made," Fenech said.

Qed taraw min huma il-grieden hux ? Tgħid Vince Farrugia kien qed jgħid għall dawn meta semma il-grieden ? Jew kien qed iħares fil-mera ? Tgħid hemm aktar x'jiġi zvelat ? Kif ma jistħux jidhru quddiem in-nies ?
Paul Abela gie rrapurtat li qal li ma riedx jghaddi kummenti ghax il-kaz ghadu "sub judice". X`ippokresija. Nesa Paul Abela kemm il-Press Release hareg f`isem il-GRTU matul l-2010 u l-2011. MA QGHADX JIDDEJJAQ JITKELLEM FUQ IL-KAZ F`DAWN IL-PRERSS RELEASES. Fil-Press Release li kien hareg fil-25 ta` Settembru 2010 kien qal hekk "Sandro Chetcuti is in Court not as the hall and the media and the public was falsely made to believe "on alleged beating of a man". Sandro Chetcuti is in Court because after thorough police investigation he is charged by the Public Prosecutor of the attempted murder of a public figure, the Director General of GRTU Malta Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises. Anywhere else in the civilised world a man who is under such a grave criminal charge vanishes from the public eye as he is effectively a walking dead man". Kemm ghandu memorja qasira is-Sur Abela. Mur gibu kien xi gudikant ghax mill-ewwel jikkundannak ghal-mewt.
They would be wound`nt they, at least they have a sense of shame.
Hemm bzonn xkupa biex tiknes il-hmieg li qed isir f'Malta. Kif jghid l-Ingliz, "A new broom sweeps clean". M'hemm'x triq ohra biex nohorgu minn dan i-abbyss ta' hama li waqajna fih. Mhux il-GRTU biss. Harsu madwarkhom u hlief gideb, korruzzjoni, frodi, commissions, serq, qerq u nies li saru miljunarji mil-lum ghall-ghada ma tarawx.
Are the police taking action against this nationalist? Enough revelations have come out to put him in a cell - maybe sharing it with Chetcuti, who knows they make up and kiss. And we still have no idea what the argument was all about - both parties are tied lip!! This country is such a pile of manure!
The GRTU now can be brandied as a union of deceit! How can involved top officials of this union even have a representation on other business related boards and councils? They lost all their integrity.Shame Shame and Shame.
Baqalhom zejt f'wicchom! Fihom business people dawn kollha kemm huma. Business is about trust: lil dawn min se jafdhom?
With gentlemen like these at the helm of GRTU who needs scoundrels!
Luke Camilleri
Ghad fadal min ghandhu kuxjenza! Tghid ghada GRTU employee din Sylvia Gauci?????? Il-GRTU xi tghid? Ghadna ma smajna l'ebda stqarrija fuq dan il-kaz mill-GRTU! Il-membri tal-GRTU xi jghidu? U l'Gvern ta' Gonzi' sejjer izommhu fil-kariga Internazzjonali , kariga li nominah ghaliha Gonzi stess?????????????
Imsieken! Why this harassment to get a comment from these guys, when you know that their cover has been well and truly blown. They cannot comment, imsieken, because it is still sub judice, ta'! Now, if you were to ask them to comment by SMS, at which they seem to be very adept, then......... perhaps.
il gideb u tixwix hija l agenda tal gurnita f dan il pajjiz
No comment my foot. If the allegations of the GRTU employee are true, then we await the disbandment of the GRTU.