Scerri-Herrera jails whistleblower who named and shamed her father

Lorry Sant whistleblower charged over email to Rita Schembri to pay him monies owed from previous litigation.

Rita Schembri is out on long leave pending an investigation by the Auditor General into a possible ethics' breach.
Rita Schembri is out on long leave pending an investigation by the Auditor General into a possible ethics' breach.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri-Herrera has remanded in custody Joseph Borg, 75, after he was charged with threatening the beleaguered director-general of the Internal Audit and Investigations Department, Rita Schembri.

Borg is accused of threatening Schembri by an email on 19 November, that he would report her to government authorities if she failed to pay monies she owes to third parties, in litigation she has on her sub-leasing of his restaurant to them.

Borg is owed €22,000 by Schembri after the latter was found guilty by a civil court of breaching a lease agreement on a restaurant she rented from Borg. Schembri is also involved in court litigation with another sub-lessee, over who has to pay Borg further monies for a breach of the lease agreement.

Borg pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges instituted by the police on a complaint by Schembri, who was represented in parte civile by Pio Valletta.

Borg did not deny sending an email reporting Schembri to OLAF, the EU's anti-fraud office of whom Schembri is a member of its supervisory committee. Borg, who pleaded not guilty, was denied bail and remanded in custody in Corradino Correctional Facility after prosecuting police inspector Chris Pullicino said he feared Borg would contaminate evidence.

It was a veritable meeting of familiar faces inside the courtroom of Consuelo Scerri-Herrera on Saturday.

Borg, who made his money in the construction business, was the whistleblower who uncovered the land-grab scandals of the 70s and 80s that implicated Labour minister Lorry Sant and acolyte Piju Camilleri. Instrumental in uncovering the corruption that pervaded the Labour administration of the time, in 1983 he was targeted in a bomb explosion outside his house: despite accusations at the time, no evidence linked the attack to Camilleri, a canvasser of public works minister Lorry Sant.

But Borg's incriminating evidence in a magisterial inquiry would later lead to the suspension of Sant from the Labour Party - as well as Borg's revelation that in 1985 the late Mr Justice Jospeh Herrera had placed him under undue pressure to reach an out-of-court settlement on cases he had instituted against Piju Camilleri.

Borg's claim in 2001 was denounced as "false" by Herrera's daughter Consuelo, and her brother Josè Herrera, the shadow justice minister.

It was this past incursion that led Borg's lawyer Edward Debono yesterday to complain in court that the charges were an attempt at silencing Borg; as well as pointing out his role as a whistleblower - a reference that surely did not go unnoticed by the presiding magistrate.

As for Rita Schembri - the permanent secretary who heads the OPM's sensitive Internal Audit and Investigations Department - it appears as though it behoved her to choose Pio Valletta as her legal counsel, the man she described as her "representative" to the whistleblower who uncovered a possible breach of ethics.

Schembri is out on long leave pending an investigation by the Auditor General into reports carried by MaltaToday of her direct involvement in the acquisition of a 60% stake in the Casinò di Venezia - undeclared to the head of the civil service - and of having carried out private meetings related to the bid from her government office.

Also involved in the deal is Pio Valletta, whose services to Far East Entertainment's bid for the casino is understood to be a small shareholding.

Litigation between Borg and Schembri

Her problems with Joseph Borg result from her lease of his St Paul's Bay restaurant in 1995. Borg's contract obliged Schembri that any business she conducts inside the premises had to be 70% owned by her, and that Borg was entitled to 33% of any sub-leasing.

In 1998, the Schembris sub-leased the restaurant to Nigerian national Aderiyike Olibisi Lawal. But instead of declaring the Lm28,500 (€66,400) sub-lease agreement to Borg - who would have been entitled to Lm9,500 (€22,000) - Schembri and Lawal entered into a contractual agreement to set up Bistit African Ventures Co. Ltd, and share all profits equally.

In what Mr Justice Tonio Mallia described as "roundabout way of evading her contractual obligation", Schembri retained her 70% control of the bar by disguising the sub-lease to Lawal in her 50-50 agreement with him.

Borg only accidentally found out that Lawal was in business with Schembri when the Nigerian asked him why he was not willing to sub-lease the restaurant to him: according to Borg, Lawal said Schembri had told him Borg would never lease the place to an African man. It was here that Borg found out that Lawal was no ordinary employee, but the actual sub-lessee of the restaurant.

Schembri was served with a garnishee order for €22,129 and then ordered to vacate the premises in a subsequent judgement in 2006.

The Schembris have appealed the sentence and the judgement is expected this week.

The matter is further compounded by another court case in which Schembri and another sub-lessee - the one who succeeded Lawal who has since departed to the United Kingdom - are in litigation over who has to pay Borg his 33% share of the sub-lease.

Rita Schembri on long leave

On Friday, the Office of the Prime Minister announced that permanent secretary Rita Schembri will be temporarily stepping down from her position as director-general of the Internal Audit and Investigations Department, pending an investigation from the Auditor General on allegations of a breach of the estacode's ethics.

Investigations carried out by the Auditor General do not necessarily result in indictments where breaches of the public service management code are concerned: such matters tend to be taken up by the Public Service Commission.

Past cases such as the ministerial procurement of airline tickets from private companies, a factor in the resignation of John Dalli as minister in 2004, or the €2 million direct order issued to Group 4 Security by the Office of the Prime Minister in 2008, were referred to the Auditor General: the result was a series of recommendations to ministries to avoid such 'impolitic' spending.

The decision to refer MaltaToday's reports to the Auditor General follows the public declaration by whistleblower Philip Rizzo, whose detailed email correspondence showed Schembri was conducting private business that could have been undeclared to her superior, Godwin Grima, from her government office in Valletta.

HalfEUCitizen it was not even his money but a foreign couple who ended in financial dire straits and a local misguided businessman
HalfEUCitizen it was not even his money but a foreign couple who ended in financial dire straits and a local misguided businessman
Go dan l-pajjiz l-ahjar....minn jiflah ihawwel ha jhawwel. Miskin xi bahnan whistleblower ghax l-ewwel iddubaw tal-PN biex waslu ghal Sant u wara ressquh quddiem Connie u tefghuh l-habs. Viva l-Gahan Malti.
Minister Lorry Sant, the enforcer. He is the one that did all the dirty work for Dom Mintoff and the MLP. He is also the one that harassed people that did not agree with the MLP tactics at the time. He is the one that requisitioned (confiscated)private properties to accommodate his constituents in 1974. Thanks to the PN I still cannot get my requisitioned (Confiscated)property because our archaic law states that those squatters that took over our property have a right to occupy the property until the first and second generation of tenants die or move away. Another archaic and barbaric Maltese law.
Oh what a jungle we live in! BUT worries me is that there is a common name that keeps appearing constantly. And my very simple mind boggles at the implication.
Since when does asking for your money constitute blackmail? Did he ask for an extra million euros or just for his money? As for Herrera - she is the one who should be in prison - not this man. In what mickey mouse country would a person be brought in front of a judge with a personal vendetta against him? More to the point - which Mickey mouse country would appoint as a judge a person that is so tainted?
anna calleja
I can, with full responsibility, state that a VERY SERIOUS REPORT (regarding Mag. Scerri Herrera’s MALadministration of justice) was lodged months ago with the Police Commissioner with copies to the Prime Minister. Some of the incriminating statements made are supported by affidavits made by a European Judge and a lawyer who is presently one of the government spokesman and chief ministers. Despite the incontrovertible evidence presented to the Police Commissioner, and the acceptance that the matter is very serious by the investigating officer, no action has been taken. It is obvious that the HERRERAs wield incredible power with both party leaders. HOW CAN THE MALTESE JUDICILARY HAVE CREDENCE BY THE SHENANIGANS TAKING PLACE IN OUR LAW COURTS? Is Malta dominated by the MASONS, the MAFIA or the ILLUMINATI!?
@ Dr Pollina, > You are absolutely correct. >>> >>> @ kukkanja, > Don't go thinking she is the only one! The whole Public sector is chock-a-block full of these personalities. Mostly, I would target the wider public sector, who donates these gifts and sources chairmanships and directorships from the private sector. >>> >>> @ mtvmalta, > Please note that San Anton can only manage small sized charity fairs, and nothing more serious. I have to agree with your statement that all trust in elected powers has been lost. In this sense Gonzi matches Mintoff.
whatever the rights and wrongs of this matter are, clearly the magistrate had a conflict of interest and should not have been involved.
Mela sewwa, Schembri uzatt l-officcju taghha u anki il-pusizzjoni ghal ghanijiet ta business personali. Scerri Herrera u Herrera approfittaw mis-sitwazzjoni u il-posizzjoni magisterjali taghha Imma ghaliex realistikament bil fors tuba minnkom wiehed irid jaghzel fl-elezzjoni...GHALIEX? X'kundanna dal-pajjiz!!!
Ma rridx inkun sufa f'ġisimhom dawn in-nies. Kif jorqdu bil-lejl? Ma jafux li aħna trab u min ħin ghal l-ieħor kullħadd jitniżżel gol-ħofra?
Tobacco, gaming and restaurants. A woman of many talents. What next? I feel sorry for the PM. His department was hi-jacked by this unscrupolous person. That she was put on the OLAF supervisory board is amazing and speaks volumes about the lack of vetting in OLAF which is now attempting to crucify Dalli. By the way does Kessler know about all these intricci? Is he going to make any press speech? What happened to Barroso's eagerness to sweep the stables clean? Or is this mare too much for him?
The Magistrate jailed the whistleblower who shamed her father . Correct me if I'm wrong , but is there a conflict of interest here ?
Nistenna li l-President tar-Repubblika, fis-setgha tieghu, jara li l-poplu jkun imfiehem kif avukat mixli li dahal go tlitt karozzi u baqa' sejjer gie lliberat minn dil-Magistrat waqt li cittadin li kixef dik li tidher oxxenita fil-qalba tas-setgha governattiva, intefa' l-habs mill-istess. Bhalissa, tajjeb jew hazin, kull kredibbilta f'kull min hu responsabbli intilfet u mehtieg li terga' tintrebah
How can we trust high public officers who are wheeler dealers ? Is it fair if officials who hold a position of trust,(auditors,notaries,magistrates,lawyers high public officials) to use public office and trust for their own personal profit? I know notaries and architects who are 'successful' land speculators because they have inside information; is this fair? This is where European values come in: we are 50 years behind 'Europe' and, by the look of it, the politicians who pushed us into Europe are them selves part of this local 'kukkanja'! No wonder many Maltese were shocked with the way liberal Europe nearly rejected Dr Borg, and thereafter, shocked again by Dr Borg' 360 degrees turn!
Mario Puzo should have come to Malta for inspiration for his mafia books. The sicilians are armateurs compared to us.
I have a great respect for Jose and would like to think that his traits are shared by his sister, but in any proper legal system, a magistrate would have no business sitting in a case where the accused has such past entanglements with her family. It's a little thing we call conflict of interest. She should have immediately recused herself.
What ... she is a restauranter as well ? As for Herrera and her brother - Dr Muscat, your party has been in opposition for 25 years and yet the biggest scandal in our justice system is perpetuated by one of your MEPs and his family. Every time someone thinks that voting for labour is an option, Herrera reminds them that as far as political choice - the honest people of this country are caught between a rock and a hard place. Why do you leave this dinosaur on your team ? He is not even loyal to you or your party. He even made it clear that we was against voting to remove Bonnici from his post. Well I suppose if you are Herrera you don't want competence a prerequisite for the job of minister!
The big guys are all against the small fish and this in Justice House. Ms. Schembri is to much involved in "third party affairs" and this makes her position untenable in the Public Service, especially in her position at OPM.
Malta Today 24/11/12 The Public Service Management Code specifies that Public Officers are not to indulge in business activities and investments unless prior approval is granted from OPM. Was PPS aware that Ms Schembri was conducting such private business apart from the other activities which recently surfaced regarding negotiations on Casino di Venezia and Directorship with Far East Entertainment Group plc. Despite this misbehavior, she was appointed as Permanent Secretary. An in depth investigation by Commissioner of Inland Revenue of her annual Income Tax return is more than appropriate