Court interdicts former Sliema mayor for life
Besides a one-year jail term, Sliema’s former Nationalist mayor Nikki Dimech has been handed a lifetime interdiction, practically shutting him down as a certified auditor.
Updated with Nikki Dimech's comments
Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit has imposed a lifetime interdiction on former Sliema PN mayor Nikki Dimech, who last Monday was jailed for a year, after being found guilty of soliciting a bribe from Stephen Buhagiar, the Council's former contracts manager.
When handing judgment, Magistrate Stafrace Zammit warned of "serious consequences" should Dimech, 39 not follow the interdiction order.
The order practically puts Dimech out of business as a certified public auditor, barring him from signing any accounts, contracts, cheques or documents. He will also not be able to vote.
Meanwhile, sources at the Accountancy Board which holds the warrants to all certified public accountants and auditors, said that the Board will await the outcome of Dimech's appeal before taking any decision on striking the former mayor off the register and withdrawing his warrant.
Meawhile, in comments to MaltaToday, Nikki Dimech contested the judgement and the interpretation given to his interdiction handed in his regard.
Dimech claims that until his appeal is decided, he may still sign documents and accounts. He also added that according to his interpretation of the judgment, the interdiction, soley prohibits him from voting.