Farrugia Sacco files criminal libel suit against Ombudsman

Malta Olympic Committee President has filed a suit for criminal libel against Chief Justice emeritus and ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino over letter calling for his ‘suspension’.

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco with Malta Olympic Committee secretary general Joe Cassar
Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco with Malta Olympic Committee secretary general Joe Cassar

In an unprecedented twist in a controversy which has engulfed Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco, as President of the Malta Olympic Committee over an alleged Olympic ticketing scandal revealed last Summer by The Sunday Times of London, the Ombudsman - former Chief Justice - Joseph Said Pullicino has been served with a suit for criminal libel, over his letter to President George Abela as Chairman of the Administration of Justice, calling on it to relieve the sitting Judge from his judicial duties over the London 2012 and Sochi Winter Olympic tickets.

In a statement issued by Farrugia Sacco Advocates, announced that the Judge will be filing for criminal libel against the former Chief Justice.

The statement said that Mr. Justice Farrugia Sacco shall also be communicating with the Commission of Administration of Justice, in order to provide the real sequence of events, "and not the malicious interpretations given by certain journalists, and which politicians should respect one of the most important pillars of a democracy being the separation of powers. Such pillar exists in order to have any member of the judiciary give his or her judgments, of whatever nature, in accordance with the oath taken, being that of acting without fear and hence not feel intimidated when giving such judgment. Mr. Justice Farrugia Sacco has been serving in the Judiciary for 32 years."

In a rare statement for an office of the Parliament, Said Pullicino said that as Ombudsman he was precluded by law from expressing an opinion on the judiciary and the behaviour of the judiciary on the exercise of their duties.

"This does not however prevent me from expressing my opinion on the effects of such behaviour on the proper administration of justice in the country, all the more so when this concerns actions which are not in any way related to the recognised functions of a Judge," Said Pullicino said, calling the news that Farrugia Sacco was somehow implicated in a case of corruption 'shocking'.

"The news in itself, irrespective of any judgement as regards guilt or otherwise, severely undermines trust in the administration of justice."

In his letter, Said Pullicino called on President Abela to see that the Commission for the Administration of Justice, which he presides, uses its moral authority to ensure Farrugia Sacco "is immediately relieved from attending to his judicial duties until the charged levelled against him are finally determined in full respect of his constitutional rights, including that of the presumption of innocence."

The decision to have Farrugia Sacco step down pending the inquiry must ultimately be taken by Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri, a member of the CAJ.

Said Pullicino himself wrote that he deemed Farrugia Sacco should "responsibly suspend himself" to be best able to defend himself with the least possible negative effects on the administration of justice. 

"I am of the opinion that such action needs to be taken also in the light of the advice tendered to you by the Prime Minister to dissolve Parliament on 7 January 2013," Said Pullicino said, referring to the imminent elections set for 9 March.

Farrugia Sacco has so far resisted calls to resign by the Prime Minister and the Nationalist Party after the International Olympics Commission's ethics commission found that the judge and president of the Malta Olympics Commission had entertained the requests of two undercover journalists, posing as ticket resellers, as to how to skirt limits on the resale of tickets for the Sochi winter games.

Last Sunday, Farrugia Sacco said that "the Prime Minister was trying to be funny" when he reacted to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's calls to resign in the wake of the controversy.

In the statement, Farrugia Sacco Advocates - the Judge's family's own firm - said that the MOC President is nonetheless filing an action to CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sports - the World's highest Tribunal on Sports) and in the Courts of Lausanne, Switzerland complaining about the proceedings of the Ethics Commission.

Farrugia Sacco is embroiled in an Olympic ticketing controversy, following an investigation by two undercover reporters from The Sunday Times of London who posed as authorised tickets resellers. The IOC's ethics commission said this week that Farrugia Sacco had entertained the two reporters' offer by allowing them to "prove their point" on how to skirt rules regarding the sale of Olympics tickets for the Sochi winter games. MOC secretary-general Joe Cassar was said to have "tarnished" the reputation of the Games with his involvement in the same talks.

This is not the first time that the government fires a missive against Farrugia Sacco - the judge had refused to step down from the post of MOC president when the Commission for the Administration of Justice alerted him to the possibility of an ethical conflict due to the MOC's regular dealings with business sponsorships.

Farrugia Sacco has reacted to Gonzi's call for his resignation, saying the prime minister was "talking nonsense".


Absolutely not! For the sake of natural justice! You cannot mix a practically concluded case (Pace, who is being reported as imminently ready to submit his resignation) with another, where even the EU's OC bosses are claiming that the international OC bosses were wrong in their assessment, and claim that the "accused" have been misjudged!! I do not know FS personally, but it is clear to me, that lurking deep down the GonziPN's psyche is some vindictive issue raising its ugly head against this person. Therefore NO! Politicians should not be allowed such unfettered power. If it is proven that FS is guilty than OK. But not before, just because he is perceived to be pale red! Another thing which gets my goat is how you GonziPN spinners and apologists take your master's word for gospel truth. This either smacks of "fidilizmu" or maliciousness. Grow up!
@betterfuture........i read the news about judge pace now. for the sake of the judiciary both farrugia sacco and pace must resign with immediate effect.
I wonder if fenea and Said Pullicino have heard about the LOCAL case of Judge Pace?
I'm surprised that the Ombudsman decided to take action on this issue and not others. He should be vociferous of the strong smell of corruption in a number of other instances over the recent past. I have not seen any public statements from his part asking for the resignation of ministers for their involvement, both directly and indirectly, in dealings which are far from transparent. I am more concerned by the fact that our highest institution, parliament, has been rendered ridiculous by the present government where it has not been allowed to function properly in order to prop up a dead government without a parliamentary majority.
Veru qeghdin sew ..... of all people l-ombudsman said pullicino se jikkummenta fuq farrugia sacco !!!! taparsi ma jafx bit-taptipa kerha li ghadu kif qala' minn ghand l-ispeaker li qallu li ma setax bhala ombudsman ikollu part time job ta' arbitru !!!! tajba din - said pullicino se johrog fil-berah kontra farrugia sacco meta jmissu jisthi li l-kariga gholja li ghandu waqqaghha ghar-ridikolu!!! l-ombudsman ta' qablu lanqas president tal-moviment ta' cana ma hallewh joqghod .... u dan xejn ma ddejjaq jimpala l-liri bl-arbitraggi li ghamel, kontra dak li tghid il-ligi .... u mhux hekk biss .... jien ghandi xi hbieb tieghi li marru b'ilment fl-ufficcju tal-ombudsman u gabu ghajnejhom wara widnejhom bl-isfrattu, bit-telqa u bid-dizastru li sabu ... hafna pozi u ebda sustanza .... ufficcju li hadd ma ghadu jaf bih ghax said pullicino ghogbu jinheba biex zgur ma jkollux wisq x'jaghmel .... u mbaghad johrog ghonqu jippontifika fuq farrugia sacco ... kif jghidu bl-ingliz ... the pot calling the kettle black .... veru wasalna fil-qiegh ......
Farrugia Sacco irid idahhaq?. Kif jghid il-Malti, "Iz-zmien isajjru l-bajtar". U jekk tkun bajtra wara li jghaddi z-zmien bajtra misjura ssir u nieqaf hemm, forsi jippostjawa din u ma tigix censurata.
said pullicino ma dahhalx lilu innifsu fil politika ghax dan il kaz mhuwiex politiku. bhala ex prim imhallef u aktar u aktar ombudsman pullicino kellu id dmir u l-obbligu li jinforma lil president dwar farrugia sacco. l-ombudsman huwa id difensur principali ta kull cittadin u nahseb li ghandu l-obbligu li fejn jara li membru tal gudikatura ikun irrapurtat fuq korruzzjoni ghandu jiehu il passi necessarji. kif jista cittadin jidher quddiem imhallef biex jinghata sentenza meta dan l-istess imhallef ikun imcappas b'korruzzjoni.
I am appalled by the behavior of Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco as he seems to fail to understand the serious situation. He should resign until he clears his name before he continues to damage Malta's face. His position is now untenable. Well done to the ombudsman who seems the only person within the authorities to try and defend Malta's reputation.
Said Pullicino crossed the boundaries. A man of his stature should have acted more cautiously, after all he is not a politician, but a respected ex member of the judiciary. Simply put, he should have known better. He should have waited for the appropriate authority to take whatever action it deems correct.