Updated | BA board member accuses Labour colleagues of ‘prejudice and bias’ against PBS

PN nominated Broadcasting Authority member Alfred Mallia Milanes denounces ‘hostile, prejudiced and biased’ approach against PBS by Labour nominated representatives.

Alfred Mallia Milanes denounced BA members Rose Sciberras and Reno Borg for acting in a “hostile, prejudiced and biased” manner against State broadcaster PBS
Alfred Mallia Milanes denounced BA members Rose Sciberras and Reno Borg for acting in a “hostile, prejudiced and biased” manner against State broadcaster PBS

Veteran Broadcasting Authority member Alfred Mallia Milanes, who is appointed to the position by the Nationalist Party, denounced two of his colleagues on the same board for acting in a "hostile, prejudiced and biased" manner against public broadcaster PBS.

In response, the two colleagues slammed his statement as false, and through a statement issued later that same day, announced that they are considering taking legal steps for slandar in his regard.

Mallia Milanes was testifying in a civil case before Mr Justice Joseph R. Micallef which PBS had filed against the Broadcasting Authority over an alleged breach of remit, related to a number of incidents related to decisions taken by the Broadcasting Authority against it.

In his testimony, Mallia Milanes accused Labour-nominated BA members Rose Sciberras and Reno Borg of behaving in a "pattern-like" manner, constantly showing "hostility and prejudice" against PBS.

He added that the Board was summoned to decide on complaints related to balance in broadcasting, "Sciberras and Borg show hostility even before the case is even heard" and of always having reservations. "They find guilt before a case started to be heard."

PBS is complaining that whenever a complaint of political bias was filed with the BA, it was not assured of an independent and impartial hearing. PBS also said that both Sciberras and Borg could not be impartial because they were members of the PL's Facebook page and had Labour communications director Kurt Farrugia and Labour MP Gino Cauchi among their Facebook friends.

In a statement issued later that same day, Borg and Sciberras dismissed Mallia Milanes' testimony as "false" and insisted that "it does in no way reflect what in fact happens in the Broadcasting Authority."

Both Borg and Sciberras insisted that the BA "always listens to the parties concerned, discussed and deliberates on the facts of each individual case, and subsequently decides in a civil manner according to the opinion of the majority of the members present."

Borg and Sciberras were appointed to the BA board for the first time in 1999, according to Article 188 of the Constitution of Malta.

"This means that they were appointed to the post by the President of the Republic on the advice of the Prime Minister following consultation with the Leader of the Opposition. They occupied their position on the said board uninterruptedly since that day.

"As members they do not represent any political party, but they always fulfilled their duties according to the requirements of their post,and in the interest of the TV viewers and radio listeners."

The statement also noted that Mallia Milanes had, on 8 April 2010, appeared on PBS's news to criticize the decision taken by the Broadcasting Authority against PBS.

"In this occasion, Mallia Milanes not only showed his bias but also breached the BA's principle of collegiality as well as the code of ethics."

Both Borg and Sciberras deem Mallia Milanes's statement as "a direct attack against the Broadcasting Authority during an electoral campaign which as a sensitive time."

"Nothing will stop them from carrying out their duties according to their consciences and they will keep providing their services to the BA with the same loyalty that they always did."

Borg and Sciberras said they were considering their legal position with the intention to take steps against Mallia Milanes for slander.

Mela Mallia Milanes ma jarax l-ahbarijiet tal-PBS? Jaf jisthi dan? Ma jarax l-izbilanc fir-rapport tal-ahbarijiet? Ma jarax kif il-PBS ghamluh kazin Nazzjonalista? Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-Awtorita`tax-Xandir hija Awtorita` bla snien.
Luke Camilleri
Pjuttost HU pregudikat u ghandhu habta jara AHMAR efejn ikun hemm xi haga konnessa mal-LP! Issa nafuh il Mallia Milanez, tghid mhux sejjer jigdem l'id li titma' lillu u dawk il-membri nominati minn GONZI innifsu! Irrid idahhaq!
Dear Alfred, I would never have expected this from you. You should really think before you act; Malta and Gozo are laughing at your expense!
Mark Fenech
Imma Mr. Mallia Milanez propja jghix f'dan il-pajjiż, jew joqoghod fil-qamar. Naħseb int biss hawn Malta li ma tafx li l-PBS huwa biased favur gonzipn. Trid taghmel riċerka kbira biex tkun taf dan.
What a horrible shame! I would have bet millions that PBS is honest, upright, extremely unbiased and manages to balance all airtime and content on a political pinhead!
Hemm bzonn jigi xi Alfred, Reno jew xi Rose biex lit-telespettatur jara b'ghajnejh kif miexi l-PBS. Issa hux qed jiehdu l-ordnijiet minn Anton Attard biex ikunu daqshekk sfaccati kontra l-PL jew ir-rapprezentanti tieghu, jew minghand l-istess Gonzipn kif talab lil Franco Debono jaghmel, ma nafux. Qazziztu lil kulhadd, komplu naqra ohra fejn ilkom
Igor P. Shuvalov
Since when being a member of a facebook page make you act with a bias. If that is the case we have many biased politicians, journalists, sport reporters, ecc
Is not Mallia Milanese PN representative on the Broadcasting Authority? As far as I know, and in defaince of the Constitution the Board of the BA is made up of two representatives each from the PN and PL and a Chairman appointed by the Government. And in cases of this sort voting would end up 2 votes in favour and 2 against leaving the matter to be decided by the Chairman's vote. So for BA to rule in favour of a complaint by PL you need three votes. So is Mallia Milanese hinting that the Chairman, appointed by the Government is also biased against PBS? This is what I have to conclude given the situation in which the BA has been placed.
Paul Sammut
OMG. What have Ms Sciberras and Dr Borg been up to? One imagines that they have been gnarling their teeth and cracking whips, scaring the living daylights out of BA board members running for cover under board room tables. Naughty naughty.
Paul Sammut
OMG. What have Ms Sciberras and Dr Borg been up to? One imagines that they have been gnarling their teeth and cracking whips, scaring the living daylights out of BA board members running for cover under board room tables. Naughty naughty.