New Security Services chief appointed

Francis Sciberras, a former customs officer and consultant to the Malta security services, has been appointed as the new head of the country’s intelligence.

Francis Sciberras, who is 64, replaces former Assistant Commissioner Godfrey Scicluna who auto-suspended himself last week after MaltaToday revealed that he would be facing charges for an alleged hit-and-run incident involving an elderly man, who succumbed to his injuries a few days ago.

Scicluna was subsequently removed from his post by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Francis Sciberras was transferred from customs to the MSS and moved on to be an intelligence consultant to Scicluna and to the Prime Minister and to the minister of home affairs.

Sciberras is also the father of recently appointed Magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras.

I feel this appointment rather strange and inappropriate. The head of Security services being the father of a member of the judiciary. Couldn't there be a possible conflict of interest in carrying out his duties. What's more couldn't there have been some one younger !??
and also the brother in law of Minister Pullicino. Nepotism and corruption till the LAST FEW DAYS with PN! whistleblower's act my foot.
I was under the impression that no appointments were to be made during the election campaign. Surely this appointment could have waited a week so that this appointment would be done by the ruling Government?? This is similar to the other appointment of the Enforcement Director at the MTA a couple of weeks ago. And then they say that the PN does not do its best to please its supporters!!!
Lino Camilleri
X'ma jkunx hawn abbuzi ta korruzzjoni jekk il hatriet importanti kollha jehduhom nies jigu min xulxin. Dak missier dik, dak kugin ta ministru, dak tal familja ta l-iehor u dik il mara ta huh, insomma kollha tal klikka jew parentela ta xi hadd fil poter.
Does Scicluna STILL get to use the company car (AND driver)?
Nahseb kris għandu raġun ghax mill-kumment tiegħu jidher li l-intelliġwnza tnixxi min ġo fiħ u messu għamel lilu.
Ghalina u ghal uliedna.