Enemalta’s former petroleum head placed under bill of indictment

Magistrate rules there is enough evidence for Enemalta’s former petroleum division head to stand trial for corruption.

File photo: Alfred Mallia
File photo: Alfred Mallia

Magistrate Anthony Vella ruled this afternoon that there was enough prima facie evidence for Alfred Mallia, 68, Qormi, to be placed under a bill of indictment and face trial by jury.

Mallia, the former head of the Enemalta Petroleum Division, is accused of receiving kickbacks from George Farrugia, the oil trader who was representative for oil giants Total and Trafigura.

Farrugia - who has received a presidential pardon to turn State's evidence - identified Mallia as the man who had requested the commissions after an agreement for oil storage was reached between Total and Enemalta.

Inspector Angelo Gafà who led the investigation, told a Court last week that Farrugia explained the whole scheme of kickbacks, which eventually also included the former Enemalta financial chief officer Tarcisio Mifsud.

Farrugia said that Total would pay him a commission of US$0.16c for every ton of oil stored at Enemalta's facilities. He would then split the commission with Mallia, with monthly cash or cheque payments issued by Powerplan Ltd.

According to the witness, Mallia had also been paid a lump sum of US$10,000 after Enemalta used Total's bunkered supplies to circumvent industrial action at the harbor, which had prevented tankers from entering port.

Total had started to sell more and more oil to Enemalta, and Mallia was kept on Farrugia's kickback payroll, until the year 2000 when Mallia was seriously injured in a traffic accident.

The witness said that although critically injured, Mallia had sent for him, telling him to go see Tarcisio Mifsud, the then chief financial officer at Enemalta about the commissions.

According to Mallia, he used to share his part of the commissions also with Mifsud, and Farrugia used to transfer the commission to Mifsud. Tarcisio Mifsud has insistently been denying the accusation.

Enemalta's corporate services chief Anthony Vella said that Mallia worked as head of petroleum division from 1987 to 2004. His contract was terminated by then Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone who offered him an early retirement plan.

Bonello also presented minutes of Enemalta board meetings, placing Mallia as 'attending' when matters discussing oil procurement were discussed.

The witness also said that minutes of meetings in 2001 were missing, while signatures of those present did not match the dates the meetings were held.

Qed nara li dan il-kaz qed issir interessanti.Qed nara li f` dan il-kaz qed nisimghu trumbetta wahda.F`Alfred Mallia qed nara nuqqas ta`difiza u minflok qed nisimghu xiedha ta`proklama li minhabba it-taghfig li dahal fih dan il-bniedem qed jigbed kollox f`qoffa wahda bla pregudizzju. Alfred gie sfurzat sabiex jghid dak li qed isosstni s-sur gorg farrugia huwa veru.Meta dan mhux minnu.Kien hemm min ha l-okkazjoni sabiex politikalment ihammeg lis-sur Mallia,fi programm fuq stazzjon ta`l-istatt,meta dan ma setax issir kemm minhabba fil-kaz ghada ma nstematx ix-xiedha tas-sur Mallia. Iz-zmien jghatina parir,u l-gurnalisti ghandhom ikunu kawti f`dak li jiktbu.nisperaw li mhux ser nassistu ghal process bhall dak ta` Kristu.
This is getting beyond corruption and greed. This is an insult to every honest Maltese Citizen that works hard to make an honest living and can barely make ends meet while these entrusted scumbags steal and rape our country at will with and showing no remorse. I hope the Government will get to the bottom of this scandal and find out who the real scammers are, and then prosecute them to the full extent of the law with little mercy applied. Make sure that these crooks repay the People of Malta the money they stole from them and have justice take it's course, some might even involve whole families. Only God knows how long this scheming and bribes have been going on. I hope that once convicted there will be no SUSPENDED SENTENCES like our courts are accustomed to freely passing out. NO POLITICS, NO NEPOTISM and most of all NO MONEY. The Government should get to the bottom of this scandal very quickly and help clear out our corrupt reputation. This new Government must make this a priority and make sure no more irregularities go on in the meantime. Thank you Maltatoday for exposing this scandal. I am sure the Maltese Citizen appreciates it. Now it is up to the proper authorities to do their job and move forward at a fast and diligent pace.
Being a tax paying joe citizen my wish is the culprits who took active part in this scandal whoever these may be are brought to justice and money illegally acquired paid back in full. Trust is an honor bestowed on persons percieved for their honest and professional loyalty. Once this trust is breached the person at fault is dishonest and should be interdicted