Vince Farrugia dubbed workers on precarious conditions ‘rats’ – former GRTU member

Former executive secretary of GRTU confirms MCESD minutes in which Vince Farrugia called workers in precarious employment ‘rats’.

GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia
GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia

The MCESD's executive secretary Sylvia Gauci today told a court that the Chamber's director-general Vince Farrugia had described members of the General Workers Union as "rats", during a libel case filed by the union's secretary-general against Farrugia.

Witnesses said Farrugia called workers "rats" during a meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development, and that the less than pleasant comment had been minuted.

Zarb later felt that comments Farrugia have to TVM had implied he had manipulated the MCESD minutes of the meeting, after the GWU newspaper l-orizzont reported Farrugia's comments about workers who hold down a precarious job.

According to the 14 November, 2011 meeting's minutes, Zarb said that the government should address dangerous work practices. In response, Farrugia said that Zarb should have the union tend to these workers, whom he described as "rats" - MCESD chairman Sonny Portelli told the court. At this point, three GWU members and Portelli himself intervened to calm down matters. Portelli denied any pressure to amend the minutes.

You owe the Maltese Workers an appology. The rats are those you stole and even ransack Offices at Auberge De Castille, Thats our money and the police should bring to book those involves. Justice Justice Justice.
It is really cras, savage, senseless and heartless to describe people who are sufferring daily precarious employment as rats. Any one who does this should be ashamed of themselves.
Typical of GonziPN acolytes. The arrogance emanating from the GonziPN camp has no limits. It was one of the principal ingredients of its downfall. Now Vince Farrugia amy very well find himself an MEP if Simon resigns his EU post. I would suggest he uses the 'rat' phrase in the European Parliament as well, and we'll see what happens!
Trade unionista jitkellem b'dak il- mod fuq l- haddiema? Jien qatt ma smajt kliem moqziez bhal dan fuq nies: la minn Nazzjonalisti u l-anqas mill-Laburisti hlief forsi ghall- blogger li tikkompeti mieghu fil-qrusa lejn l-proxmu! Vera kliem li jirrefletti negativita, u hdura! Ajma tkun tghix qrib bniedem bhal dan! Vera valuri Ewropej sodi ghandu! Qalbu perzuat mimlija soledarjeta! Nispera li L-PN jiddisocja ruhu minn kliem bhal dan u nahseb ukoll li m'ghandux jithalla jikkontesta f'Ewropa anke jekk gab l-izjed voti hu! Jekk irid at all cost kemm messu jaqghod indipendenti! Shame and shame!
I am not surprised by this at all – if it is true, then Farrugia should really be ashamed of himself. But then again, he is an integral part of GonziPN, a Government which did nothing to help alleviate the hardship these employees go through. So, at the end of the day, Farrugia (if he really did describe workers as rats) would have just been putting to words what GonziPN actually tolerated
Sewwa qed tgħid Bones , mhux hekk biss,anke Gonzi qal li kienu intilfulu xi nagħaġ u sa mar ifittixhom Birzebbuga.Imma mid-dehra ma sabhomx għax kien ħadhomlu ħaddieħor.
EFA called alternativa "erba tit-qtates" VF calling workers in precarious employment "rats" I must read the book "Animal Farm"
Min? Vince Farrugia ghajjar lil haddiema prekarji "grieden"? ma tarax! Daqskemm ipprova jiffrejmja lil Chetcuti!
The truth is comming out,and the more it come out,the credibility of Mr Farrugia will plump to the lowest level.So much for the honesty and credibility of this pompous person.
u dan il buffon ha jerga jipresenta ruhu ghal mep, mela veru il pn tilef rasu.