Caruana Galizia acquitted of ‘hit-and-run’ and let off with €15 fine

Malta Independent columnist was accused of crashing into car and fleeing scene, fined €15 for not taking car to police station.

Daphne Caruana Galizia told the court she gets regularly insulted by passers-by.
Daphne Caruana Galizia told the court she gets regularly insulted by passers-by.

In a sitting that lasted close to two hours and saw nine witnesses take the stand, Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit acquitted Daphne Caruana Galizia of leaving the scene after the incident and of insulting the driver of the other vehicle, but found her guilty of not obeying police orders when she did not go to the police station claiming that she was too tired, yet she went out to a restaurant in the same locality as the police station suggested to her by the police. She was fined €15.

At the beginning of the sitting the Magistrate demanded why the police did not present any affidavits given the case was up for summery proceedings and Inspector Jason Sultana held that due to the particularities of the case the officers chose to testify viva voce rather then presenting statements.

Also at the start of the hearing the accused presented a medical certificate for her absence from court in the previous sitting.

Taking the witness stand, Inspector Jason Sultana told the Court that on September 27 he was informed by a police sergeant from the Msida Police Station that there was an accident in the Mater Dei Car Park and one of the vehicles had left the scene. The alleged victim Keith Grima had reported at the police station that a BMW with registration number DCG001 had crashed into him, the driver called him, "Ja hamallu itlaq l'hemm", and left the scene. Investigations resulted that the car belonged to columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia and the Inspector instructed that the accused is spoken to and her vehicle inspected.  Officers from the Msida station called at residence of the accused but although the BMW was in the driveway nobody opened the door. Three days later the inspector spoke to Daphne on the phone and asked her to call at the Msida Police station but she refused and insisted that if the Inspector keeps calling her she will inform the Police Commissioner. The inspector again called the accused in the presence of his superiors but this time the call was answered by the husband of the accused who informed him that they were in Gozo but the vehicle could be inspected the following day. The Police managed to inspect the BMW on Sunday October 1, five days after the alleged incident.

Defence lawyer Roberto Montalto asked Inspector Sultana what the officers who inspected the car found. The Inspector held that he did not recall the details and the lawyer read from the police report, which stated the BMW, had scratches on its rear bumper all of which were not compatible with a recent impact.

The inspector reiterated that there were various times when he spoke to Daphne but she was always uncooperative and arrogant. "Irrelevant of where she was and what she was doing she should have dropped everything and came to the police station", the Inspector argued.

Police Sergeant Robert Fabri told the Court how Keith Grima and his wife went to the police station reporting that a BMW driven by Daphne had crashed into their vehicle and left the scene. A police officer was instructed to call the accused but she refused to go to the police station even when the officer suggested that she could go to either the Naxxar or Mosta stations as they were closer to her residence.

Constable Maurizzio Agius explained that when he called Daphne she told him that she was not involved in any collision and hence she was not going to the station. He offered her to go to the stations of Mosta or Naxxar but she still refused. Daphne informed the police constable that she had left the car park because she was afraid of the other driver since his approach could be only described as that of a 'hamallu'. She also claimed political motive behind the police report.

Police Sergeant Malcom Buttigieg stated that he was instructed by his superiors to call at the residence of Daphne Caruana Galizia and inspect her vehicle, particularly the rear bumper area. He did as instructed but although a number of scratches were visible, none were compatible with a recent incident and the bumper soil splashed all over. At the same time the accused had given the police her version of events and described the other driver as someone who seemed 'lest ghall-glied".

Constable Christian Sciberras held that he had inspected the Pajero of the person who filed the report and found that the front bumper was scratched and the left indicator was broken. Grima however never presented the police with a receipt, survey report or quotation for these damages.

Keith Grima, the person who filed the report, held that on September 27 he went to hospital with his wife. They went to the parking at level -3 and a blue BMW with registration plates DCG 001 was emerging from the parking and whilst doing so crashed into his vehicle. "I had honked twice to warn her. I got out and told her that she hit me, she stayed in the car, called me a hamallu and left". He parked instead of the accused and after his wife received the medical treatment they went to the police station to file a report. The court asked the extent of the impact and the witness replied that the impact was not huge but still caused damage of just over €200. He recognised the accused as the person driving the BMW and held that he knew who she was as she was a public figure and was well known.

The Defence asked if the parking was full and the witness held that the only vacant spot was that being vacated by the BMW. He also said that the driver of the BMW called him "pastas u hamallu" after he told her that he will go to the police.

Wife Andrea Grima explained that she went with her husband to Mater Dei to receive treatment concerning her pregnancy. When they got to the parking a car was leaving so they waited but the other car crashed into them. The wife exited the vehicle and heard the accused tell her husband that she did not hit his car and that he was a" pastas u hamallu". She took a photo of the BMW using her phone and after the treatment they went to the police station to file the report.

Daphne Caruana Galizia told the Court that on that day in September she had been at hospital with her mother since the early afternoon. When she returned to her car, the parking was half empty as it was well after visiting hours. When she got into her BMW another car blocked her path but she could not see who was behind the wheel. "I have been assaulted a lot of times, my door was burnt twice and I cannot walk down Republic Street without being insulted", she said.

The police also thought her how to check for bombs and how to behave when she feels threatened. September 27 was the same day that the PL put up billboards showing the face of the accused next to that of Lawrence Gonzi and Austin Gatt so she was even more scared and locked herself in the car. "I have been a target for 20 years, mainly by the labour media", she said. She also told the court that she has been driving for the past 18 years and has an accident every year and a half, so she has no interest in crashing into cars and running away. When the other driver moved his car and she reversed she called out to him saying, " hekk tkellimhom in-nies kemm int hamallu u pastas".

Later the same night the police called the accused but she denied crashing into the Pajero and told the officer that they were only escalating the case due to who she was. "I told them to come on Saturday when my husband, who is a lawyer, would be there as I do not trust the police at all", she told the court. At around 22:00h while she was in a restaurant with her husband the police called again and the husband took the call. The police informed the husband that officers had called at their residence to inspect the vehicle but no one opened the door.

The police again called the following day when the couple when on their way to Gozo. The husband took the call and agreed with the police that the inspection would be carried out the following day - five days after the incident. When the inspection took place the police found no marks that were compatible with the alleged hit and run.

Lawyer Peter Caruana Galizia, who is also Daphne's husband, confirmed his wife's testimony and held that he was only involved in the case from the point that the police started calling the accused.


Emmanuel Mallia
Another , so called catholic ??
Ma nistax nifhem kif il-Qorti tippretendi li jkollha ir-rispett tal-pubbliku meta il-Qorti stess ma tieqafx tirredikola lilha nifisha b'dawn il-kwalita' ta' sentenzi.Min jaf li kieku kien xi ċittadin ta' profil baxx,kif kienet issallbu biex tagħti ezempju biħ.Huwa veru l-istatwa li tirrapprezenta il-ġustizzja għanda għajnejha mogħotija,izda jista jkun li din qiegħda hekk biex ma tkunx tista tara dawn il-buzullotti.
Kieku jiena nagħmel xi ħaġa li biha inwaqqa għar-redikolu lill Qorti,nista nassigurakhom li jew nispiċċa nagħmel xi perjodu ta' zmien mhux ħazin maqful,jew neħel xi multa papali. Imbagħad tiġi din l-aktar mara li offendiet persuni b'dak li għandhom u bli magħandhomx,u teħel multa ta' €15. Jekk il-Qorti trid ir-rispett min-nies,l-ewwel ħaġa li trid tagħmel hi,li tirrispetta lilha nnifisha u lill kumplament tas-soċjeta' u ma tirredikolax lilha nnifisha.
Is this the Kind of Justice we were promised ? Under both Governments i.e Nationalist and Modern and Progressive the slogan remains "Might is Right". Those at the TOP are always treated better than those in the lower class like myself. What would have happened if I went five days after? In five days I would have changed things to my advantage. I am sorry to say that no politician, or other BIG HEAD gives a shit about the Lower Class. All they interested in is themselves. Flimkien Kollox possibli u Progressivi u moderati imam mal KBIR BISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Justice is there for ONE AND ALL Let us STAND UP and be counted otherwise things will never change
I wonder if I was involved the Police would have waited for five full days in order to inspect the vehicle in question. It is quite evident that in that time repairs could have been carried out and I very much doubt how meticulous were the Police when finally the vehicle was impounded??. Coupled to this is the evident indulgence of the Courts towards double-barelled hoity toity pseudo aristocratic surnames. It's all a freemasonry.
Good to know that such acts costs only €15.
Also I think that the Chief Justice and the Commission for the Administration of Justice should look into this obscene sentence for all our sakes, because this is the sort of sentencing which make society lose faith in the courts, and no democratic society can afford that. Or is the Administration of Justice there to harass who every they want to harass - like Judge Farrugia Sacco? So please call this magistrate in, and ask him/her to explain the reason behind fining the Caruana Galizia thing 15 euros for gross disobedience of the authorities.
Many times I think that this woman is not only evil but also demented. Why is she surprised that she cannot walk down Republic Street without being offended and harassed, when she harasses and offends just about anyone not of her liking 24/7 ? The woman is despised, disliked and un respected - and that is not good news for anyone. Caruana Galizia is spiteful, bitter and sad specimen of the human race, who is provoking many people into reacting – and when they do she runs for cover like all bullies do when facing an adversary. This woman has mocked the courts and the courts have succumbed to her – perhaps fearful of what she might reveal on their private lives in her dirty and unsavory blog. She is practically unemployed and evidently spends her time on her pc vomiting and producing verbal diarrhea – which some admittedly enjoy. This court sentence is a slap in the face of justice and of the integrity and credibility of our courts. For 15 euros I will gladly disobey the police , especially when I need to buy time to cover my tracks ! Now come on, after 5 days, even a good crash will be mended on a car , let alone a bumper to bumper hit…and the magistrate believed the Queen of Bile. What a sham!
Ms Galizia if you cannot stand the heath, stay out of the kitchen. But honestly, I think the hotter it gets, the more you like it, end of story. Pay the €15 fine and run, but alas that would not buy much publicity, would it?
€15 multa? ZGUR RECORD IEHOR ghal Malta Records! Naseb li lanqas hemm record ta' Multa daqshekk baxxa li nghatat mill Qorti ta' Malta, sahansidra minn Magistrat ! Lanqas "Warden" ma jghati multa daqshekk baxxa ! Iggiefieri GRAZZI ghal Caruana Galizia u din is-sentenza, kull min jghobdhiex ordni ta' Puluzija kull ma jehel €15? Jew ghal club ta' Caruana Galizia biss dawn il-multi???????
Priscilla Darmenia
"the inspector spoke to Daphne on the phone and asked her to call at the Msida Police station but she refused and insisted that if the Inspector keeps calling her she will inform the Police Commissioner." - It seems that this woman is above the law. If it were someone else he/she would have spent a day or two at CCF with the compliments of the government.
How can our society ever progress when on one side we have the police doing their utmost to establish law and order and on the other side we have the law courts promoting lawlessness, disobedience and disrepect to the police. This is clearly a case of blind justice, but a twisted blindness for the wrong reasons. Blind to common sense and blind to the truth.  A justice system based on technicalities instead of the spirit of law. Surely we are lucky that most of our police officers are not resigning en mass when over and over they see their hard work being discarded by our courts
How can our society ever progress when on one side we have the police doing their utmost to establish law and order and on the other side we have the law courts promoting lawlessness, disobedience and disrepect to the police. This is clearly a case of blind justice, but a twisted blindness for the wrong reasons. Blind to common sense and blind to the truth.  A justice system based on technicalities instead of the spirit of law. Surely we are lucky that most of our police officers are not resigning en mass when over and over they see their hard work being discarded by our courts
15 Euro fine?!?! I thought that most of the fines start from the old 10 Liri Maltin = 23euro.. but maybe nowadays with the recession it went down? Disobeying police orders several times and you get a 15 euro fine, what a joke. Instead of defending the police officials the court is stripping off their right of authority. At times these court decisions make me really wonder.
Interesting reading and a lesson to be learnt! But it all boils down that if the police order you to take your car for inspection ( or give you a lawful order and you fail to adhere, as ordered...... you get a fine of Euro 15. Ok deal !
Quite a sicko this pest! Always with a medical certificate in hand, ready and waiting for presentation, as the occasion demands! I hope she is not getting all of this on the NHS. I wonder if all these magistrates, in all those different cases, are really taken in by these docs. € 15 for defying the police authorities tend to indicate what the man in the street would describe as "favouritism".
So because she claims she has no trust in the police she elevates herself above the law and does as she pleases! ... It's a free country if she doesn't like it she should leave - maybe even using one of the boats the numerous illegal immigrants leave discarted after reaching Malta! Who knows, we may be lucky and she might drown in the process lol.
How does Ms Caruana Galizia expect to walk down republic street without being insulted? I can't understand how she manages to sleep at night after all the hatred she writes in her blog. I suggest that if she wants to live a normal life she should change and start being kind and respect other people and minds her own business.
So because of her atrocious behaviour she literally "gets away with murder" and the Courts justify this. No wonder the Minister of Justice needs to reform the courts and this must be done as quickly as possible. No one is above the Law and a hit and run is always a hit and run no matter what banal excuses are brought up. A €15 fine is also an insult to the People who expect Justice, equitable Justice for all. Magistrates must be held accountable for their errors be they deliberate or otherwise. All of us are accountable and so should Magistrates be.