Lou Bondi sues Saviour Balzan for libel

TV presenter feels aggrieved after MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan describes Lou Bondi as ‘Gonzi’s gatekeeper and ass-licker’.

Lou Bondi
Lou Bondi

TV presenter Lou Bondi has sued MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan for libel after Balzan described the Where's Everybody? director as "Gonzi's gatekeeper and ass-licker".

In his blog entitled 'A perfect Kasslata', Balzan writes that Bondi sped off to Brussels to attend a press conference on the OLAF report.

"We are led to believe that Bondi reacted in record time. Bullshit: the only way he could have organised himself so fast was that he was in cahoots with the administration, and they knew the whole time what was happening to John Dalli," Balzan wrote.

 In a right of reply he sent and published in MaltaToday, Bondi denied having known about the OLAF's investigation into former EU Commissioner John Dalli before this was made public.

"This is an absolute and total lie. I got to know about the investigation like all other journalists," Bondi said.

Saviour Balzan however stood by his original statement, reiterating that Bondi "was not only close to the PN administration but that he also promoted their agenda, picked and chose subjects to put their opponents in bad light and more importantly, pushed a line of questioning that was engineered to demolish his opponents".

According to Balzan, Bondi could only have done this because he was privy to timing and the PN agenda.

"This was perhaps most evident in his programmes on John Dalli and later on during the oil scandal. Bondi's insistence that his State-funded programme covered every aspect of journalism is not only a big fat lie, but a sick joke," Balzan added.

"And it is my sincere belief that in the end, his programme contributed in no small way in antagonising many Nationalists against the PN, because they associated Lou Bondi with the establishment."

Saver you treated Malta's best fed parasite very lightly. In my opinion and that of many others he should have been dumped in a skip-load of dung and pushed down the hill. "Gurnalismu fuq kollox" my arse. It should have been "Kollox hlief gurnalismu"
"he also promoted their agenda"; meta ktibt iktar minn darba biex jghinuni nikxef il-kas ta' missieri, Karm Grima, tal-W.E qatt ma taw kasi ghajr ghal ftit minuti fuq TVhemm u li kien iccensurat ghax ma stajtx nghid li Dr.G. de Marco kien li orkestra il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Griam u Dr. EFA heba l-Inkjesta li kixfet kollox. Basta deher li tal-MLP kienu l-vjolenti tal-15/10/1979. Possibli li mhux importanti li l-Maltin isiru jafu kif gie instituzzjonat l-ewwel frame-up hawn Malta u li hadd ma jrid jikxef ghax imdahhla z-zewg Partiti?
He should be grateful he was not described as a cock-sucker.
I hope you will win this libel case Saviour. This show off and WE have accumulated enough dosh from your taxes and mine over the years and he should be able to pay you a handsome sum. He is arrogance personified. His last attempt to keep his privileges was just before the election as is well known, when he took a little trip to Bidnija... with dire consequences for the Nationalist Party...:)
Is Loo one of the " Elite Premium Club" who is in and get off with €15 fines?
Paul Sammut
‘Gonzi’s gatekeeper and ass-licker’. OMG, x`kull wahda wkoll!!!
Priscilla Darmenia
It seems that the open secret that Mr Bondi was an extended arm of the GonziPN propaganda machine was known to all except Mr Bondi himself and his team. – Miskin. – All PN guests were treated with silk gloves. The first question was always asked by Mr Bondi to appear to be a difficult one, but then he gave his PN guest all the time to clarify some guff the guest said previously and quoted in the media; after that it was easy questions all the way to the end of the program. – On the opposite, when it was a PL guest Mr Bondi made sure to assassinate the character of the poor guest with double edged questions and continuous interruptions when the replies were not music to his and the GonziPN’s ears. – There was only one time I remember Mr Bondi trying to assassinate a character of a PN parliamentary member; that of Franco Debono, but thanks God Dr Debono was bold enough to stand and kick back at Mr Bondi’s attempts. – Mr Balzan wrote that Mr Bondi as “"Gonzi's gatekeeper and ass-licker" to which comment Mr Bondi got offended. – Well as the Italians say “La verita` offende” (the truth offends).
John Dalli had pointed his finger at Lou Bondi as one of the perpetrators in the first Dalli corruption allegation. Therefore even if Saviour Balzan had not mentioned anything one would sure suspect that Lou would be on the ball everytime Dalli was involved in anything. His best sources would be of course gonzipn, today simonpn
Shame on you Saviour how dare you tarnish the reputation of this detestable asshole with derogatory words like Gatekeeper and Ass-licker?
Well done Saviour , keep it up , b`nies bhalek insiru nafu il hmiec li kien hawn .
and all say all of us