Witnesses shocked by detractors’ treatment of Caruana Galizia
Friends of Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia recount their experience in an incident that saw the blogger seek refuge in a convent.
Friends of Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia gave witness in a court of law against Zurrieq Labour mayor Ignatius Farrugia and two women, who are accused with the harassment of the columnist and blogger.
The mayor and mother and daughter Maria and Kimberly Vassallo, are pleading not guilty to harassing Caruana Galizia during a parish feast in Rabat, on 29 March.
In the compilation of evidence against the three accused, whose actions led to Caruana Galizia seek refuge in a Rabat convent, witness Francesca Bianci told the court that she lost sight of Caruana Galizia and another friend, Paul Stivala, after walking into a pastry shop.
Magistrate Franco Depasquale heard how Caruana Galizia's friends found the two heading inside the convent, while a "short woman" shouted "Malta Taghna Lkoll" - the Labour electoral slogan - and demanded that the priest throw Caruana Galizia out of the convent.
Bianchi claimed that only the priests and herself showed any concern for the group's safety, while Ignatius Farrugia stood at the back of the group, "smiling approvingly".
Another witness, Joseph Pace Axiaq, gave a graphic description of the events, saying that Farrugia was walking behind Caruana Galizia and gesticulating behind her to mock her. The two women then approached her, calling her "an evil woman".
"It was a shocking experience for me, seeing that this was happening just days after the general elections," Pace Axiaq said.
Instead of calming down the women, the Zurrieq mayor shoved a camera in Caruana Galizia's face, ostensibly to take a picture of her. "It was shocking to see a man who holds public office partake in such a mob that ruined all our enjoyment," the witness said.
The evidence was further corroborated by the witness's wife, Maria Pace Axiaq, who confirmed, albeit in a less detailed manner what her husband had said. The witness also claimed that the police had taken control of the situation, and that she remembers a female police officer speaking to the Zurrieq mayor.
When the police were called to the scene, Caruana Galizia was inside the convent.
On his part, Ignatius Farrugia denied this version of events, claiming he asked Caruana Galizia that he take a picture of him so that she could publish it in her blog.
Farrugia has been taken to task several times on Caruana Galizia's blog.
Farrugia also denied that he was with friends when the incident happened.
Inspector Sarah Magri prosecuted. The case continues on 26 June.