Romanian inmate to be extradited to Italy

Romanian national Nicolae Ilie, under arrested at the Corradino Correctional Facility, arraigned in court after the police received a request for his extradition to Italy.

With Fr Charles Gauci at his side, the 29 year-old Romanian national Nicolae Ilie walked into the dock and told the court that he is the person requested by the Italian Authorities and conceded to his extradition.

In Italy he will serve a three year jail term after an Italian court convicted him 'in absentia' over charges of association in organised crime. Fr Charles Gauci told the court that he knows the accused through his visits to inmates at the prison.

Dr Donatella Frendo Dimech, appearing for the Attorney General explained to the court that the Romanian is currently serving a prison term after he was found guilty of theft from Shopping outlets in Sliema.

His prison term would have expired in February 2014, however with the recent amnesty he will now be released from prison in November. 

Magistrate Neville Camilleri held that given the accused's surrender, the Italian Authorities are to be informed that arrangements can be made for his extradition once his present jail term expires.

Dr Roberto Montalto appeared for the accused.